‘New Cold War’: Lawmakers sound alarm on Cuba-China threat after bombshell spy base images surface

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The congressman whose territory is little than 100 miles from Cuba sounded the alarm aft a bombshell probe revealed respective images of advanced spy bases successful the communist nation.

Rep. Carlos Gimenez, R-Fla., said successful a Wednesday interrogation determination is nary uncertainty China has a large manus successful the operation and cognition of the bases.

Gimenez elaborated aft the bipartisan Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) released the imagery portion noting China’s authoritative enactment determination "remain[s] shrouded successful secrecy."

Gimenez voiced counterintelligence concerns, noting his territory unsocial houses the Key West Naval Air Station, Homestead Air Force Base and is wrong a mile of the U.S. Southern Command (SOUTHCOM).


satellite representation  of bejucal sigint installation  successful  Cuba

This outer representation shows the Bejucal signals quality installation successful Cuba. (CSIS/Hidden Reach/Maxar 2024)

"[This] is an illustration of the increasing power of China and Russia successful our hemisphere," Gimenez said.

"The Biden medication continues to placate our enemies successful the hemisphere alternatively of trying to bash what they tin to get [nonviolent] authorities change," helium said.

Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar, R-Fla., attributed Biden's "weakness" to the proliferation of CCP power offshore.

"America indispensable respond with spot and archer the Cuban authorities that we volition not let them to restart this caller Cold War close connected our doorstep," Salazar said.

One oregon much of the sites mapped retired by CSIS, Gimenez said, are little than 100 miles from his district. He said it is similar having a spy basal surveilling Miami from arsenic adjacent arsenic the different extremity of Alligator Alley successful Naples.

He slammed the White House for continuing Obama-era diplomatic "opening" toward Cuba's totalitarian regime.


Satellite representation  of El Salao CDAA Site successful  Cuba

This outer representation shows the El Salao circularly disposed antenna array. (CSIS/Hidden Reach/Airbus DS 2024)

However, Gimenez added that immoderate Democrats, peculiarly successful Florida, are arsenic acrophobic astir China’s malign power successful Cuba and the Diaz-Canel authorities itself, naming Reps. Deborah Wasserman Schultz, Jared Moskowitz and Frederica Wilson.

He warned the Chinese could usage the Cuban bases to observe offshore U.S. subject grooming and simulation exercises. That would springiness China an wrong look astatine however the U.S. would respond to an penetration of Taiwan, helium said.

CSIS’ Hidden Reach researchers Matthew Funaiole, Aidan Powers-Riggs, Brian Hart, Henry Ziemer, Joseph Bermudez Jr., Ryan Berg and Christopher Hernandez-Roy warned of the proximity betwixt the bases and the galore delicate U.S. installations successful Florida and the southeast successful their report.

The researchers connected Monday revealed 4 sites believed to beryllium supporting Chinese efforts to spy connected the U.S. utilizing signals quality (SIGINT). CSIS defines SIGINT arsenic a "core" facet of spycraft and a venue done which civilian and subject entities tin intercept others’ transmissions.

A apical nationalist information adept said China is expanding into places similar Cuba to interfere successful America’s sphere of influence.

"Communist China’s latest actions are unprecedented and to-date the Biden medication has made nary response. It volition autumn to the adjacent president to basal up for the information of the American radical successful our ain hemisphere," erstwhile Deputy National Security Adviser Victoria Coates said.


Satellite representation  of the Calabazar Sigint installation  successful  Cuba

This outer representation shows the Calabazar signals quality installation successful Cuba. (CSIS/Hidden Reach/Maxar 2024)

Coates said China is besides simultaneously interceding successful America’s backyard done its caller Bahamian embassy successful Nassau and a Peruvian deepwater "mega-port."

Gimenez, who is the lone Cuban-born congressman, said helium holds retired anticipation the land rids itself of Chinese and Russian influence.

When asked however agelong it mightiness instrumentality to spot existent alteration successful Havana, Gimenez pointed to the 1989 autumn of the Berlin Wall and however Germany rapidly returned to a democracy.

If erstwhile President Trump returns to the White House successful 2025, helium said, the Republican’s past overtures toward the Cuba concern amusement alteration could beryllium imaginable wrong his adjacent term.

In turn, helium faulted the Biden medication for repeatedly acting "counter to American interests."

"This caput of authorities is the worst caput of authorities that we've had successful American history. I deliberation he's done much harm successful 4 years than conscionable astir anybody other that I tin remember," helium said.

Satellite representation  of the Wajay Sigint Site successful  Cuba

This outer representation shows the Wajay signals quality tract successful Cuba. (CSIS/Hidden Reach/Maxar 2024)

The State Department did not straight code Gimenez' disapproval of Blinken, but it cited remarks from spokesperson Vedant Patel connected the bases themselves.

"I’m not going to remark connected oregon corroborate oregon get into the specifics of that report, but what I tin accidental is that we stay assured that the United States is going to beryllium capable to conscionable our information commitments astatine location and successful the region," Patel said Tuesday.

"PRC activities successful Cuba person been going connected for decades, and … we cognize that the PRC is going to support trying to heighten its beingness successful Cuba and the United States is going to support moving to disrupt it."

Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., a subordinate of the Homeland Security Committee, echoed concerns implicit the White House’s handling of the China menace erstwhile asked astir the photos.

"[China] volition proceed to grow their espionage of the United States without fearfulness of effect due to the fact that they cognize Joe Biden volition not clasp them accountable," Marshall said.

"Not lone are they utilizing Cuba to location Chinese 'spy bases,' they are sending successful Chinese nationals done our confederate border, shipping implicit lethal fentanyl, stealing our intelligence property, and purchasing onshore adjacent our subject bases."

The bureau of Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines declined comment. The White House besides did not respond.

Several Democrat lawmakers besides did not respond to requests for comment.

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