NHA, NCG collaborate on ABDM pilot to streamline cancer care records across hospitals

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Business News/ Politics / NHA, NCG collaborate connected ABDM aviator to streamline crab attraction records crossed hospitals

2 min read 16 Jun 2024, 05:32 PM IST checkcibilBtn

Priyanka Sharma

The nonsubjective is to make a integer wellness records repository to seamlessly scan and stock the records crossed departments and tertiary attraction providers, specified arsenic radiology, ENT and respiratory departments.

This assumes value  considering that India has a precocious   crab  burden, with 1.46 cardinal  patients successful  2022. (HT)Premium This assumes value considering that India has a precocious crab burden, with 1.46 cardinal patients successful 2022. (HT)

New Delhi: India’s National Health Authority (NHA), successful collaboration with the National Cancer Grid (NCG), is acceptable to motorboat a aviator nether the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM), to streamline aesculapian grounds sharing crossed hospitals for crab attraction patients who often sojourn aggregate facilities.

By creating a centralized repository accessible to doctors wrong the ABDM network, the inaugural aims to guarantee seamless continuity of care.

This assumes value considering that India has a precocious crab burden, with 1.46 cardinal patients successful 2022.

ABDM-enabled physics aesculapian records system

Key authorities and spot hospitals treating cancer, including PGIMER (Chandigarh), Tata Memorial Hospital (Mumbai), All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS, Delhi and Jodhpur), and National Cancer Institute (Jajjhar), volition aviator the adoption of the ABDM-enabled physics aesculapian records system, oregon the Health Management Information System,

The nonsubjective of the aviator is to make a integer wellness records repository to seamlessly scan and stock the records crossed departments and tertiary attraction providers, specified arsenic radiology, ENT and respiratory departments, crossed participating hospitals.

Medical records volition lone beryllium shared with diligent consent utilizing their integer wellness ID (ABHA ID).

“We are precise hopeful astir this project. Cancer is 1 of those diseases wherever a diligent indispensable attack healthcare facilities repeatedly. So, the value of longitudinal wellness past and keeping wellness records systematically is projected to beryllium shown by the pilot," a idiosyncratic successful the cognize said, requesting anonymity.

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In May, stakeholders convened to strategize the motorboat of pilot, highlighting ABDM’s imaginable to digitally integrate healthcare services, and trim repetition tests and diligent expenses.

“ABDM has the imaginable to span the existing silos among antithetic stakeholders of the healthcare ecosystem done integer means. This is particularly beneficial for patients with chronic diseases, specified arsenic cancer, wherever patients person to sojourn from 1 infirmary to aggregate points of attraction implicit a agelong time," the idiosyncratic cited supra said. 

Also Read: Centre sets deadlines for healthcare initiatives

"There is often the occupation of unavailability of standardized physics wellness data, erstwhile a diligent moves betwixt attraction facilities, starring to repetition tests and precocious diligent retired of pouch expenses," helium added.

The rotation retired of the inaugural volition assistance patients, hospitals, clinicians, and different stakeholders, to get to recognize the benefits of ABDM, and the outcomes whitethorn assistance find however the strategy could beryllium extended to payment patients undergoing attraction for chronic diseases specified arsenic diabetes, hypertension and renal complications.

Also Read: Centre extends strategy by different twelvemonth to digitize patients' wellness record

The NHA aims to found a integer wellness ecosystem successful India and enactment healthcare facilities, including clinics, diagnostic centers, hospitals, laboratories, and pharmacies, successful adopting the ABDM ecosystem to heighten wellness services for each Indian citizens.

Queries sent to a wellness ministry spokesperson remained unanswered till property time.

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Published: 16 Jun 2024, 05:32 PM IST

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