Oil picks pace after Middle East strain, US stocks curbs stoke supply worries; Brent up 2% at $86/bbl

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1 min read 27 Jun 2024, 10:35 PM IST checkcibilBtn

Nikita Prasad

GLOBAL-OIL/ (UPDATE 6):UPDATE 6-Oil up connected Middle East proviso worries, higher US stocks curb gains

 Pixabay)Premium In January, India's full lipid import measure accrued somewhat by implicit 4% sequentially to $12.04 billion, with a marginal year-on-year maturation of 0.1%. (Image: Pixabay)

Oil prices roseate connected Thursday arsenic warfare successful the Middle East kept stoking proviso concerns, portion an unexpected uptick successful U.S. crude and gasoline capped terms gains.

Brent crude lipid futures were up 92 cents, oregon 1.08%, to $86.17 a tube by 09:46 a.m. EDT (1446 GMT). U.S. West Texas Intermediate crude futures roseate 86 cents, oregon 1.06%, to $81.76.

On Wednesday, some benchmarks settled somewhat higher.

Cross-border strains betwixt Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah person been escalating, fanning fears that a widening warfare could gully successful different countries including large lipid shaper Iran.


French overseas ministry

said France is highly acrophobic astir the concern successful Lebanon and called for restraint.

Any contagion could person a large interaction connected crude supplies from the Middle East, said Panmure Gordon expert Ashley Kelty.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said his state stood successful solidarity with Lebanon and called connected the region's countries to amusement support.


stormed a neighbourhood

in Gaza City, telling Palestinians arsenic the tanks moved successful that they indispensable determination south.

Israeli forces bombed the confederate metropolis of Rafah successful what it called last stages of an cognition against Hamas militants.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported a 3.6 cardinal tube leap successful the country's crude lipid stocks past week. Analysts polled by Reuters had expected a drawdown of 2.9 cardinal barrels.

U.S. gasoline stocks roseate by 2.7 cardinal barrels. Analysts had expected a 1 cardinal tube draw.

"We are close present astatine the highest of the summertime driving season, with gasoline and diesel request peaking arsenic radical question implicit the July 4 weekend, truthful for markets to beryllium moving sideways now, past we whitethorn good adjacent spot a dip aft the vacation weekend," said Tim Snyder, economist astatine Matador Economics

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Published: 27 Jun 2024, 10:35 PM IST

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