Own foreign stocks or MNC Esops? Omit them from ITR at your peril

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Shipra Singh 4 min read 04 Jul 2024, 07:00 AM IST

The holding play  of overseas   assets to beryllium  declared successful  ITR forms is the erstwhile   calendar year. The holding play of overseas assets to beryllium declared successful ITR forms is the erstwhile calendar year.


  • These assets are to beryllium disclosed successful Schedule FA each twelvemonth that you clasp them, and not conscionable erstwhile you sell. Failing to bash truthful could pull hefty fines and prosecution nether the Black Money Act.

The run-up successful Nvidia's banal has turned galore of its employees into millionaires. Indian employees of the American multinational person a superior task astatine manus this tax-filing season: declaring their multimillion-dollar banal options successful their Income Tax Return (ITR). That is due to the fact that equity compensation structures specified arsenic worker banal options (Esops) and restricted banal units (RSUs) are seen arsenic overseas assets nether India's income taxation (I-T) instrumentality and indispensable beryllium disclosed successful taxation returns.

I-T rules necessitate each taxpayers who clasp overseas assets to state them nether Schedule FA. These see banal options, overseas stocks, bonds, slope accounts and different fiscal instruments. Even taxpayers whose income is beneath the 2.5-lakh taxation exemption bounds but ain overseas assets indispensable record an ITR to state these assets.

Also work | Income taxation deadline looms: Know your ITR forms to debar penalties

Foreign stocks and banal options are to beryllium disclosed successful Schedule FA each twelvemonth that the payer holds them, and not conscionable erstwhile they are sold. Failing to bash truthful could pull hefty fines and prosecution nether the achromatic wealth law.


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Deepak Kakkar, a chartered accountant successful Delhi and elder manager astatine Jaikumar Tejwani & Co LLP, said the accusation exchanged betwixt India and different countries nether the Tax Information Exchange Agreements (TIEA) is investigated by the Foreign Assets Investigation Unit (FAIU).

“It sends summons nether Section 131(1A) of the Act to inquire for accusation related to overseas assets. Non-disclosure whitethorn effect successful a levy of tax, penalty, and prosecution nether the Black Money (Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets) and Imposition of Tax Act, 2015," helium said.

Foreign assets are to beryllium declared successful Schedule FA adjacent if they are declared separately successful Schedule AL (assets-liabilities) by taxpayers whose income exceeds 50 lakh.

Also read: Understanding Schedule AL: Declaring assets for income supra 50 lakh

How to study overseas assets

The holding play of overseas assets to beryllium declared successful ITR forms is the erstwhile calendar year. So, erstwhile filing your ITR for the appraisal twelvemonth (AY) 2024-25, you'll request to state overseas assets held from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023. Stocks and immoderate different assets bought betwixt January and March 2024 are not required to beryllium declared successful this filing.

“If a nonmigratory payer opened a slope relationship successful Singapore successful January 2024, it volition not beryllium reported successful the Schedule FA successful ITR filing of the existent appraisal twelvemonth arsenic it was not held immoderate clip during Jan-Dec 2023. It volition request to beryllium declared successful AY25-26," said Kakkar.

Foreign stocks: Under Schedule FA, the payer indispensable see the day erstwhile the banal was bought, the company's sanction and address, the acquisition amount, closing worth of the stock, immoderate income from holding it, including dividends, and immoderate gains from selling the stock.

The worth of acquisition amount, closing magnitude and gains, if any, indispensable beryllium converted into Indian rupees based connected the TT buying complaint of State Bank of India connected the time of reporting, said Mayank Mohanka, founder, TaxAaram India, and partner, S M Mohanka & Associates.


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Esops and RSUs: Esops indispensable beryllium declared from the twelvemonth they are granted until they are exercised. Declaring RSUs is somewhat much analyzable arsenic exercising them triggers 2 components that request to beryllium reported. RSUs are cashless stocks that are awarded to employees upon achieving vocation milestones, specified arsenic completing a definite fig of years astatine the institution oregon a promotion.

When RSUs are exercised, the genitor MNC located extracurricular India automatically sells 30% of the shares, the proceeds of which are utilized by the Indian subsidiary to wage taxation connected perquisites. “Almost each employees who are awarded RSUs autumn successful the 30% taxation bracket, truthful 30% of the full stocks are sold," said Prakash Hegde, a chartered accountant and main advisor of nonstop taxation astatine Acer Tax & Corporate Services LLP. As astir employees don’t person currency to wage taxation connected perquisites, the institution does an automated merchantability to get the required currency needed to wage TDS.

Also read: Budget whitethorn hike taxation connected F&O trading. Here's what it could mean

The merchantability of stocks successful the employee’s sanction means determination volition beryllium superior gains that request to beryllium reported. But since the stocks are sold the aforesaid time they are exercised, the capital-gains liability is astir zero. However, the worker inactive has to state these superior gains successful the ITR.

The 2nd declaration concerns the remaining 70% of shares, which are transferred to a overseas demat relationship successful the employee’s name. These are to beryllium declared each twelvemonth that the worker holds them.

Dividends: Dividend income from stocks oregon banal options indispensable beryllium declared successful 2 places. So agelong arsenic it remains successful the demat account, it indispensable beryllium mentioned successful Schedule FA nether the conception “gross magnitude paid/credited with respect to holding".

In the twelvemonth the dividend is credited, it should besides beryllium reported arsenic ‘income from different sources’. Dividend income from overseas stocks is taxed successful the twelvemonth it is credited successful the overseas demat relationship and not erstwhile it is repatriated to India.

If the taxation connected dividends is withheld successful the state wherever they are paid, it should beryllium claimed arsenic a deduction successful the ITR to debar paying treble tax. Information connected dividends and the taxation withheld connected them is disposable successful Form 1042s, which you tin download from your overseas brokerage account.

Also read: Donations, online gaming, slope accounts: ITR forms question much disclosures

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