Panthers part ways with Taylan May after confidential settlement

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Panthers portion ways with Taylan May aft confidential settlement

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Penrith person parted institution with winger Taylan May aft the parties agreed to a confidential settlement.

“May is departing the Panthers effectual instantly and is seeking different opportunities,” the nine said successful a connection released to this masthead.

May is presently sidelined nether the NRLs’ no-fault stand-down argumentation aft being charged with home unit offences. The Panthers had served him with 2 breach notices; incidents referenced included swearing connected societal media, a video station showing May arsenic the rider successful a car driving 96km/h successful a schoolhouse portion and allegations helium punched a pistillate successful the look and leg.

May has pleaded not blameworthy to stalking and 3 counts of home unit pursuing an alleged statement successful Werrington location successful April. The substance is adjourned until March 2025.

The Panthers were seemingly intent connected sacking May aft issuing a 2nd show-cause hearing, claiming the alleged home unit incidental had brought the crippled into disrepute.

However, lawyers acting for the Samoan planetary were granted a Federal Court injunction.

Taylan May has played his past  crippled  for the Panthers.

Taylan May has played his past crippled for the Panthers.Credit: Getty

With the parties astatine a stalemate, and with May inactive connected the club’s books contempt being incapable to play, they returned to the array to negociate a severance. The woody volition let May to research different opportunities; respective clubs are alert helium is astir to go a escaped cause and are monitoring the situation, contempt his existent inability to play.

The determination volition springiness Penrith – who had considered seeking salary-cap dispensation to motion a replacement – certainty astir their roster and fiscal position.


May’s lawyer, Abdul Reslan, has been contacted for comment.

May has been engaged successful foundation enactment during his sabbatical.

It’s not the archetypal clip a subordinate of the May household has made headlines aft an off-field incident. Older member Tyrone May was sacked for a post-grand last societal media station successful 2021, which was interpreted arsenic him being vindicated pursuing a sex-tape ungraded that embroiled the club. Another sibling, Terrell May, has been 1 of the signifier forwards for the Roosters.

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