PM warns against faith-based political movements as Payman hints at next move

2 days ago 2

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has warned against faith-based governmental parties and argued 1 that advocated for Muslim Australians would lone isolate the spiritual group, arsenic rebel legislator Fatima Payman hints astatine a caller governmental movement.

Payman, who connected Thursday quit the Labor to beryllium connected the crossbench, said “stay tuned” and “anything tin happen” erstwhile asked if she wanted to collaborate with a conjugation of Islamic assemblage groups readying to tally against Labor MPs successful seats with ample Muslim populations.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese speaking connected  Friday.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese speaking connected Friday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The Labor defector said she had nary contiguous plans to make a caller party. However, she has been moving closely with predetermination strategist Glenn Druery and met the web of Islamic organisations.

The premier curate connected Friday echoed the presumption of NDIS Minister Bill Shorten from earlier this week informing immoderate faith-based enactment would hazard societal cohesion and Australia’s secularised governmental culture.

“My enactment has successful astir the furniture and ministerial tables radical who are Catholic, radical who are Uniting Church, radical who are Muslim, radical who are Jewish,” Albanese said. “That is the mode that we’ve conducted authorities successful Australia.

“And it seems to maine arsenic well, beyond evident that it is not successful the involvement of smaller number groups to isolate themselves.”

Senator Fatima Payman during a property   league  astatine  Parliament House successful  Canberra connected  Thursday.

Senator Fatima Payman during a property league astatine Parliament House successful Canberra connected Thursday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Payman said connected Thursday she felt ridiculed by her colleagues talking among themselves and to journalists astir her assertion that she was being guided by God and praying often earlier crossing the level to ballot connected a question to recognise Palestinian statehood, which sparked a melodramatic governmental situation and her exit from the Labor Party.

“Just due to the fact that you are a idiosyncratic of faith, doesn’t mean you don’t person principles oregon that you would enforce your beliefs connected radical who don’t clasp those beliefs,” she said successful a agelong interrogation with OnePath Network, a radical to which Payman donates and which has labelled the Barbie movie unsafe due to the fact that it promotes feminism and homosexuality.


In the interview, Payman utilized Arabic presumption specified arsenic “alhamdulillah”, which means “praise beryllium to God” but is commonly utilized by non-Muslim Arabic speakers arsenic good arsenic non-devout Muslims.

Asked however she managed to talk articulately successful property conferences contempt being nether immense pressure, she said, referring to elements of Muslim prayer: “My concealed is, I don’t person immoderate fancy media training… But besides conscionable praying that God almighty uses maine arsenic a vas successful the champion mode that helium sees fit.”

She said she had been “pigeonholed” arsenic a legislator lone focused connected spiritual issues, arguing she would ne'er enforce her faith-based views connected others.

Payman added that she was accountable to her voters but said it was important to “seek the pleasance of God and marque definite we are doing close by him”.


Payman met a conjugation of Islamic governmental groups past month. One of those groups, The Muslim Vote, has said it is readying a situation with teal-style tactics to a radical of mostly occidental Sydney Labor MPs who it claims person failed to basal up for Palestinian rights. In a statement, The Muslim Vote said it was not a governmental enactment oregon spiritual campaign, but alternatively a governmental campaign.

In the OnePath Network interview, Payman said those MPs should “listen to the radical who voted you in” and “sooner oregon aboriginal [voters] volition deliberation astir replacing you”.

Meanwhile, Australian cricketer Usman Khawaja connected Thursday accused Opposition Leader Peter Dutton of Islamophobia successful narration to comments Dutton made astir Payman quitting the government.

“If [Albanese] is successful a number authorities successful the adjacent word of parliament, it volition see the Greens, it’ll see the teals, it’ll see Muslim candidates from occidental Sydney, it volition beryllium a disaster,” Dutton said.

In response, Khawaja wrote connected X: “As a Muslim who grew up successful Western Sydney I find this remark from idiosyncratic who is moving for PM an implicit disgrace.

“Bigotry astatine its finest. Fueling Islamophobia from the precise top.”

Labor curate Ed Husic, a Muslim, said connected Instagram: “Um, Pete? Newsflash. There’s not lone been a Muslim campaigner from occidental Sydney for much than a decennary now, there’s besides 2 of america who service arsenic minister.

“Maybe effort showing immoderate enactment and bring radical unneurotic alternatively than teardrop them apart.”

Reports connected Friday questioning whether the Afghan-born Payman was a dual citizen, and thereby ineligible to beryllium successful parliament, provoked disapproval from autarkic legislator David Pocock, who called it a “smear campaign”.

“Raising questions astir her eligibility nether conception 44 by radical from the aforesaid enactment who took work for ensuring the eligibility of her candidacy and present are excessively cowardly to enactment their sanction to the allegations is specified grubby politics,” helium said.

Payman has documented the steps she has taken to cancel her Afghan citizenship, but determination is nary diplomatic transmission to the Taliban-controlled nation.

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