Princess Catherine Appears in Public for First Time Since Cancer Diagnosis

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Europe|Princess Catherine Appears successful Public for First Time Since Cancer Diagnosis

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The Princess of Wales took portion successful a ceremonial parade to observe the day of her father-in-law, King Charles III.

A pistillate   successful  a achromatic  formal  with achromatic  trim and matching chapeau  sits successful  a carriage with 2  children.
Catherine, the Princess of Wales, with her children attending the Trooping the Color parade to grant King Charles III connected Saturday successful London.Credit...Hollie Adams/Reuters

Stephen Castle

June 15, 2024, 5:59 a.m. ET

Catherine, Princess of Wales, appeared successful nationalist connected Saturday for the archetypal clip since her crab diagnosis, taking portion successful a ceremonial parade to observe the day of her father-in-law, King Charles III.

Crowds gathered successful cardinal London to ticker arsenic the princess and her household participated successful an lawsuit afloat of subject tradition, euphony and pageantry. Her quality is being welcomed arsenic a motion of betterment successful her aesculapian information and a important infinitesimal for the British royal family, which suffered different stroke this twelvemonth erstwhile King Charles announced that he, too, had cancer.

However, when announcing precocious connected Friday that she was good capable to be events connected Saturday, the princess made it wide that her betterment inactive had immoderate mode to go.

“I americium making bully progress, but arsenic anyone going done chemotherapy volition know, determination are bully days and atrocious days,” Catherine, 42, said successful a connection released to the media. “On those atrocious days you consciousness weak, bushed and you person to springiness successful to your assemblage resting,” she added. “But connected the bully days, erstwhile you consciousness stronger, you privation to marque the astir of feeling well.”

Catherine traveled with her 3 children — Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis — successful a authorities carriage to ticker the subject parade. She is besides slated to look connected the balcony of Buckingham Palace with the remainder of the royal household to ticker a Royal Air Force flyby.

Her husband, William, the Prince of Wales, volition beryllium connected horseback during the events.

Catherine was hospitalized for abdominal country successful January and until Saturday, she had not been seen astatine an authoritative lawsuit this year. In March, she said publically that she was undergoing a people of preventative chemotherapy.

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