Rigatoni with ‘embarrassingly simple’ sausage and red wine ragu

2 days ago 2

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Danielle Alvarez

Combine each  the ragu ingredients successful  a cookware  and simmer for an hour.
Combine each the ragu ingredients successful a cookware and simmer for an hour.William Meppem

I’ve been making this pasta for years. It’s embarrassingly simple: essentially, you conscionable harvester each the ragu ingredients successful a cookware and simmer for an hr – nary slicing, dicing oregon chopping required. Just take good-quality, Italian-style sausages and spot them to supply each the seasoning you need. All that’s near to bash is to flip the cooked rigatoni successful the sauce; this repast volition sensation arsenic if you’ve been moving connected it each day.


  • 3 tbsp other virgin olive oil

  • 500g Italian pork sausages, removed from their casings

  • ¼ tsp chilli flakes

  • 500ml chickenhearted stock

  • 1 tbsp herb paste

  • 400g herb passata

  • 60ml reddish wine

  • ½ tsp fennel seeds

  • salt and achromatic pepper

  • 500g dried rigatoni pasta

  • grated parmigiano reggiano, to serve


  1. Step 1

    To marque the ragu, harvester each the ingredients, but the dried pasta, successful a medium-sized cookware and bring to a simmer implicit mean to precocious heat.

  2. Step 2

    Place the lid ajar connected the cookware and little the vigor to medium-low. Simmer mildly for 1 hour.

  3. Step 3

    Uncover the cookware and sensation for seasoning; set if necessary. Remove from the vigor and usage a fork oregon a murphy masher to interruption down the pork sausage. Set aside.

  4. Step 4

    Bring a cookware of salted h2o to the boil and navigator the pasta, according to the bundle instructions, until al dente. Drain, reserving astir 200ml of the cooking water.

  5. Step 5

    Place the sausage ragu backmost implicit a mean to precocious vigor and adhd the drained pasta. Add fractional the reserved pasta h2o and disturbance vigorously. If needed, adhd a small much h2o truthful the condiment coats each the pasta.

  6. Step 6

    Divide into bowls and apical with the freshly grated parmigiano reggiano.

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