RNC co-chair Lara Trump promises to prosecute anyone who cheats in an election: 'We will track you down'

1 week ago 10

Lara Trump, co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC) and erstwhile President Trump's daughter-in-law, vowed Friday to prosecute anyone who cheats successful an election.

"This twelvemonth is the twelvemonth we bash it," Lara Trump said astatine Turning Point USA’s normal successful Detroit, Michigan. "We are besides sending a large and wide connection retired determination to anyone who thinks astir cheating successful an election, we volition find you, we volition way you down and we volition prosecute you to the afloat grade of the law."

The RNC connected Friday launched a plaything authorities inaugural to mobilize thousands of polling spot monitors, canvass workers and attorneys to service arsenic "election integrity" watchdogs successful November. 

Lara Trump said the extremity is to enlistee much than 100,000 canvass watchers and 500 lawyers to deploy astatine predetermination sites crossed the country. 


Lara Trump astatine  Turning Point USA Michigan event

Lara Trump, co-chair of the Republican National Committee, speaks connected signifier during "Turning Point's The Peoples Convention" connected June 14, 2024 astatine Huntington Place successful Detroit, Michigan.  (JEFF KOWALSKY/AFP via Getty Images)

For decades, the RNC was constricted successful its quality to coordinate canvass watching and different predetermination integrity activities by a national tribunal consent decree established to halt Republican-backed elector intimidation efforts. The decree was lifted successful 2018. 

"We person a unsocial accidental close present that we person not had successful 40 years arsenic a party. For 40 years, determination was a consent decree placed connected the RNC that did not let america to bid radical to enactment arsenic canvass workers," Lara Trump said astatine the Turning Point USA event. "Who was grooming each the radical for the past 40 years? Not the RNC. Think astir however galore radical the DNC got to train."

"So present we person this astonishing accidental truthful we tin bid you to enactment successful a polling location. We tin bid you to enactment successful a tabulation halfway erstwhile the mail-in ballots travel in. We besides privation attorneys to enactment successful each large polling determination truthful we are not reactive, we are proactive," she said. 

The RNC has said its caller effort volition absorption connected stopping imaginable "Democrat attempts to circumvent the rules." The enactment volition deploy monitors to observe each measurement of the predetermination process, make hotlines for canvass watchers to study perceived problems and escalate those issues by taking ineligible action. 

The RNC's kickoff lawsuit took spot astatine the office of the Oakland County GOP, 1 of Michigan’s astir influential section parties. Oakland County is an affluent Detroit suburb that for decades was 1 of Michigan’s premier bellwether counties. RNC Chairman Michael Whatley said Friday that the committee volition spot predetermination integrity directors successful 15 states, including the astir hotly contested battlegrounds, and enactment with authorities parties to acceptable up akin programs successful the different states.

"What we request to guarantee is integrity successful our electoral process," Lara Trump said during the kickoff lawsuit successful Bloomfield Hills, successful a suburban region that is important for winning Michigan. "We tin ne'er spell backmost and repetition 2020, but we tin larn the lessons from 2020." She said astir of the RNC is presently focused connected the committee's predetermination integrity program.

Lara and Eric Trump astatine  Manhattan courthouse

Eric Trump, enforcement vice president of Trump Organization Inc., left, and Lara Trump, co-chair of the Republican National Committee, right, during a quality league astatine Trump Tower successful New York connected Friday, May 31, 2024.  (Yuki Iwamura/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

Both parties person a agelong past of organizing supporters to service arsenic canvass monitors, and the Democratic National Committee said it plans its ain unpaid recruitment effort. 


The motorboat of the RNC inaugural comes arsenic the GOP faces a important disadvantage compared to Democrats successful accepted governmental infrastructure connected the crushed successful cardinal states, specified arsenic run offices, assemblage centers and canvassers, according to the Associated Press. President Biden’s run and his allies connected the Democratic National Committee person opened hundreds of run offices nationwide, portion Republican officials successful galore cases are inactive waiting for the Trump run and the RNC to engage.

Lara Trump astatine  CPAC successful  February

Lara Trump speaks during the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) astatine connected Feb. 22, 2024 successful National Harbor, Maryland.  (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

DNC spokesperson Alex Floyd said the DNC, "alongside our partners astatine the authorities and section level, won’t fto MAGA Republicans get distant with these baseless attacks connected our democracy, and we volition proceed to usage each instrumentality astatine our disposal to guarantee that each Americans tin marque their dependable heard astatine the ballot box." 

RNC leadership, which erstwhile President Trump handpicked successful a large overhaul of the committee earlier this year,  has followed his pb successful forecasting the imaginable for foul play successful this year’s election. Lara Trump qualified her reply connected CNN earlier this period erstwhile asked if she would judge the election's results.


"I tin archer you, yes, we volition judge the results of this predetermination if we consciousness that it is free, just and transparent," she said. "And we are moving overtime to guarantee that so that happens."

Asked Friday whether the committee planned to situation the predetermination certification process successful immoderate plaything states Trump mightiness narrowly lose, Whatley said, "We’re not going to transverse immoderate of those bridges close now."

The Associated Press contributed to this report. 

Danielle Wallace is simply a newsman for Fox News Digital covering politics, crime, constabulary and more. Story tips tin beryllium sent to danielle.wallace@fox.com and connected Twitter: @danimwallace. 

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