Russia blames US for Crimea deaths and and vows response

3 days ago 6

Russia has blamed the US and vowed "consequences" for a Ukrainian rocket onslaught connected Sevastopol successful occupied Crimea connected Sunday, which officials accidental killed 4 radical - including 2 children.

Around 150 much were injured successful the onslaught arsenic rocket debris fell connected a formation nearby.

Russia's defence ministry said the missiles utilized by Ukraine were US-supplied ATACMS missiles, and claimed they were programmed by US specialists.

Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov called the onslaught "barbaric" and accused the US of "killing Russian children".

He pointed towards comments by President Vladimir Putin, who precocious vowed to people countries supplying weapons to Ukraine.

Moscow said Sunday's deaths and injuries were caused by falling debris, aft its aerial defences successful Crimea intercepted 5 missiles loaded with clump warheads launched by Ukrainian forces.

Footage carried connected Russian authorities TV showed chaos connected the formation successful the Uchkuyevka area, arsenic radical ran from the falling debris and immoderate injured radical were carried distant connected prima loungers.

Russia's defence ministry claimed connected Sunday that each ATACMS missiles are programmed by US specialists and guided by American outer reconacince.

The US has been supplying ATACMS missiles to Ukraine for implicit a year. The strategy allows Ukrainian forces to onslaught targets up to 300km (186 miles) away, according to shaper Lockheed Martin.

Moscow illegally annexed Crimea successful 2014 and conscionable a fistful of countries recognise the peninsula arsenic Russian territory. It truthful does not autumn nether the US demands that Ukraine refrain from utilizing Washington-supplied weapons to onslaught Russian territory.

But Mr Peskov told reporters successful Moscow connected Monday that the "involvement of the United States, the nonstop involvement, arsenic a effect of which Russian civilians are killed, cannot beryllium without consequences".

"Time volition archer what these volition be," helium added.

The Russian overseas ministry summoned the US Ambassador Lynne Tracy connected Monday, earlier issuing a connection accusing the US of engagement successful an "atrocity" and vowing it would "not spell unpunished".

Moscow has repeatedly threatened to people countries supplying weapons to Ukraine, claiming that they are morganatic subject targets.

"We spot precise good who is down this," Mr Peskov told reporters connected Monday.

"[Mr Putin] conscionable past week talked astir who is aiming these perfectly technologically analyzable missiles astatine targets, who is providing these launches. These are not Ukrainians."

Earlier this month, Mr Putin renewed the menace during a gathering with planetary quality agencies.

"If idiosyncratic thinks it is imaginable to proviso specified weapons to a warfare portion to onslaught our territory and make problems for us, wherefore don't we person the close to proviso weapons of the aforesaid people to regions of the satellite wherever determination volition beryllium strikes connected delicate facilities of those (Western) countries?" helium said.

"That is, the effect tin beryllium asymmetric. We volition deliberation astir it," helium added.

Ukrainian officials person defended the onslaught successful the aftermath of the attack, calling Crimea a morganatic target.

Mykhailo Podolyak - a apical adjutant to President Volodymyr Zelensky - said the peninsula was successful effect "a ample subject camp" which helium said held "hundreds of nonstop subject targets, which the Russians are cynically trying to fell and screen up with their ain civilians".

The UN's quality rights monitoring ngo successful Ukraine says astatine slightest 10,000 civilians person been killed since Russia invaded successful February 2022. The existent figure, officials say, is apt to beryllium acold higher.

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