Stock market today: Japan's Nikkei 225 hits new record close, leading Asian shares higher

2 days ago 2

BANGKOK -- Japan’s benchmark Nikkei 225 surged Thursday to a grounds adjacent of 40,913.65, starring markets successful astir of Asia higher.

Shares fell successful Chinese markets, portion U.S. futures edged higher.

Investors worldwide are keen to spot the Federal Reserve chopped rates that it has been keeping astatine two-decade highs to dilatory maturation and tame inflation, and hopes person been reviving that terms pressures are easing capable to marque that possible.

The Nikkei 225 gained 0.8% to 40,913.65, with buying of automakers' shares and different export oriented stocks pushing the benchmark to an all-time high.

Toyota Motor Corp.'s shares jumped 2% and Honda Motor Co. climbed 3%. Nissan Motor Corp. rallied 4.5% and shares successful machine investigating instrumentality shaper Advantest Corp. gained 2.1%.

The Nikkei 225’s all-time precocious during intraday trading is 41,087.75, connected March 22. Its erstwhile grounds adjacent was 40,888.43, besides acceptable connected March 22.

Investors person piled into the Japanese marketplace partially owed to the cheapness of the Japanese yen, which is trading astatine 34-year lows against the dollar. A anemic yen tends to propulsion the profits of exporters higher erstwhile they are repatriated to Japan.

Changes successful regulations connected concern accounts person besides boosted stock purchases.

The Nikkei 225 scale has gained 22.4% truthful acold this year. The scale surged successful the precocious 1980s during Japan’s bubble economy, erstwhile plus prices soared. But it collapsed erstwhile that fiscal bubble imploded successful aboriginal 1990 aft hitting its earlier grounds of 38,915.87.

Elsewhere successful Asia, Hong Kong's Hang Seng recovered from aboriginal losses, rising 0.2% to 18,018.72, and the Shanghai Composite scale shed 0.8% to 2,957.57.

Taiwan's Taiex jumped 1.5% arsenic spot shaper and marketplace heavyweight Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp. gained 2.7%.

In Australia, the S&P/ASX 200 surged 1.2% to 7,831.80, portion the Kospi successful Seoul precocious 1.1% to 2,824.94.

Bangkok's SET jumped 0.9%.

On Wednesday, U.S. stocks kept rising successful a holiday-shortened league aft weak reports connected the system kept the doorway unfastened for imaginable cuts to involvement rates.

U.S. markets volition beryllium closed Thursday for the Independence Day holiday.

On Wednesday, the S&P 500 roseate 0.5% to acceptable an all-time precocious for a 2nd consecutive time and for the 33rd clip this year. It closed astatine 5,537.02.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average dipped 0.1% to 39,308.00, and the Nasdaq composite gained 0.9% to 18,188.30.

Tesla again helped boost the marketplace and roseate 6.5% a time aft reporting a milder driblet successful sales for the outpouring than analysts feared. It was 1 of the strongest forces pushing upward connected the S&P 500, on with Nvidia. The darling of Wall Street’s rush into artificial-intelligence technology climbed 4.6% to bring the spot company’s summation for the twelvemonth truthful acold to 159%.

The enactment was stronger successful the enslaved market, wherever Treasury yields slid pursuing a flurry of reports that came successful weaker than expected connected some the occupation marketplace and U.S. services companies.

That followed reports from earlier successful the greeting showing a slowing occupation market.

The anticipation connected Wall Street is that the system volition soften by conscionable capable to support a lid connected upward unit connected inflation, but not truthful overmuch that it throws workers retired of their jobs and triggers a recession.

A overmuch much anticipated study volition get connected Friday, erstwhile the U.S. authorities volition springiness its broad update astir however galore workers employers added to their payrolls during June.

The output connected the 10-year Treasury dropped to 4.35% from 4.44% precocious Tuesday, a notable determination for the enslaved market, and overmuch of the descent came aft the study connected U.S. services businesses. It’s been mostly sinking since April connected hopes that ostentation is slowing capable to get the Federal Reserve to little its main involvement complaint from the highest level successful much than 2 decades.

In different dealings, U.S. benchmark crude lipid gave up 73 cents to $83.15 per tube successful physics trading connected the New York Mercantile Exchange.

Brent crude, the planetary standard, mislaid 67 cents to $86.67 per barrel.

The U.S. dollar fell to 161.44 Japanese yen, reflecting expectations that U.S. involvement complaint cuts mightiness constrictive the spread successful rates with Japan, wherever the benchmark lending complaint is adjacent zero. It was astatine 161.67 precocious Wednesday.

The euro roseate to $1.0792 from $1.0787.

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