Suresh Gopi on Indira Gandhi 'mother of India' remark: 'Simply because of that draconian act, I cannot sway away...'

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Business News/ Politics / News/  Suresh Gopi connected Indira Gandhi 'mother of India' remark: 'Simply due to the fact that of that draconian act, I cannot sway away...'

1 min read 16 Jun 2024, 03:37 PM IST checkcibilBtn


Union Minister Suresh Gopi praises erstwhile PM Indira Gandhi arsenic the 'real architect' of post-independence India, amidst contention implicit his 'mother of India' comment. He attributes his deviation from Congress to affectional reasons, citing his adherence to Sanatana Dharma.


Union Minister Suresh Gopi dubbed erstwhile Prime Minister Indira Gandhi the ‘real architect’ of the state aft Independence amid furore implicit his "mother of India" remark. The Lok Sabha MP — the lone BJP person representing Kerala — besides said that his deviation from the Congress was an ‘emotional’ decision. 

“My parentage, my traditions, the essence of Sanatana Dharma- I person to execute each those invaluable traits. Simply due to the fact that Indira Gandhi is Congress, and for that draconian enactment of hers, I cannot sway distant from attributing. I telephone her the existent designer of India post-independence until her death," helium said.

The BJP's lone MP from K

#WATCH | Union Minister Suresh Gopi says, "Simply due to the fact that my father's household was a Congress family, my mother's household worked up to the enactment of Janasangh successful Kerala... I was successful the SFI. But the crushed down my displacement was not political. It was emotional. I volition unrecorded my beingness emotionally arsenic well, acceptable to each classes of life, each segments of life, each levels of life... My parentage, my traditions, the essence of Sanatana Dharma- I person to execute each those invaluable traits. Simply due to the fact that Indira Gandhi is Congress, and for that draconian enactment of hers, I cannot sway distant from attributing. I telephone her the existent designer of India post-independence until her death..."

(With inputs from agencies)

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Published: 16 Jun 2024, 03:37 PM IST

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