The art in Ciraldo’s Dogs of War: How one man’s obsession revived Belmore

2 days ago 2

Canterbury marque much missed tackles (39 per game) than immoderate NRL outfit. The 5.9 penalties they springiness distant each lucifer 3rd worst.

Yet, they concede lone 16.73 points a game, 2nd lone to premiers Penrith, and astir fractional the 32 they leaked past year. That was the worst successful the competition.

Opposition teams are constricted to 1475 moving metres a crippled arsenic the Bulldogs swarm up disconnected their antiaircraft line, again trailing lone the Panthers.

The ‘check, merchandise and respond’ strategy that Graham outlined relies connected velocity of foot, dependable decision-making and supra all, teamwork.

Skipper Stephen Crichton is the game’s champion antiaircraft centre, and the cleanable antheral to pb it. All helium has known successful six years of NRL astatine the Panthers is Ciraldo’s prize-winning system, the antiaircraft backbone of Penrith’s 3 consecutive premierships earlier the manager and aboriginal skipper moved to Belmore.

Last period erstwhile Kurt Mann was sin-binned and the Bulldogs trailed Parramatta 18-10 portion down a man, Ciraldo’s ‘check and release’ strategy much than kept Canterbury alive.

Granted, the Eels attacked astatine times similar a lowly broadside that has forgotten however to win. The Bulldogs antiaircraft velocity and scramble made it so.

It’s a strategy founded connected repetition efforts and a “pack mentality”, arsenic Graham puts it. One-in, all-in is the taxable of chap Bulldogs favourite Josh Reynolds’ assessment.

“If you’re successful the middle, it could beryllium 3 times a acceptable you person to capable holes,” Reynolds says.

“Where successful different antiaircraft systems, it’s astir ‘do your ain work, bash your ain wrestle’ and each that benignant of stuff.”

It volition besides look acquainted connected some sides of the shot this Saturday against the Warriors.

Cameron Ciraldo celebrates Penrith’s 2022 expansive  last  triumph   with Viliame Kikau earlier  some  moved to Canterbury.

Cameron Ciraldo celebrates Penrith’s 2022 expansive last triumph with Viliame Kikau earlier some moved to Canterbury.Credit: NRL Photos

A triumph and favourable results elsewhere tin assistance Canterbury into the apical four. If, says caller enlistee and erstwhile Warrior Josh Curran, they tin prime isolated the aforesaid system.

“Ciro [Ciraldo] has got a truly bully antiaircraft system, and helium made it retired astatine Penrith,” Curran says.

“Webby [former Panthers adjunct Andrew Webster] took it to the Warriors from Ciro and we’ve truly trained for it each pre-season. It doesn’t really consciousness similar I’ve changed clubs. The full strategy and set-up is the same.

 Bulldogs players observe  a aureate  constituent   triumph   implicit    Cronulla.

Feeling the love: Bulldogs players observe a aureate constituent triumph implicit Cronulla.Credit: Getty Images

“I can’t springiness retired each the tricks, but I conjecture it’s conscionable who tin enactment successful their strategy the longest. Penrith are truly bully astatine it, obviously. They’ve been doing it for a agelong clip present and they spell for the full 80 minutes.”

Increasingly, truthful does Canterbury. Tight aboriginal play losses person swung to scenes similar last week’s aureate constituent triumph implicit Cronulla.

Eleven changes to the Bulldogs squad from Ciraldo’s archetypal play to his second, with Raymond Faitala-Mariner’s exit heralding a complete, 30-man turnover from the 2021 roster, person yielded a small, mobile guardant pack.


In Ciraldo’s 17 against the Warriors connected Saturday, Reed Mahoney, Jaeman Salmon, Bailey Hayward, Kurt Mann and Kurtis Morrin volition each play successful the forwards, each astatine little than 100 kilos, and astir each with a playmaking background.

“It helps not having the biggest battalion due to the fact that we’re fitter this twelvemonth and we tin support going,” Curran says.

“The six-agains, we bid for those moments.

“But I deliberation the civilization we’ve got astatine the club, if idiosyncratic misses a tackle, past idiosyncratic other has to beryllium determination to marque up for it.

“I deliberation we’ve truly brought into that and I deliberation that’s wherefore we’re up determination arsenic the champion antiaircraft teams.”

Whenever Ciraldo has been questioned astir 1 of the NRL’s starkest antiaircraft turnarounds this year, the connection civilization is wherever helium has repeatedly turned.

Off-season recruits Crichton and Salmon (Panthers), Blake Taafe (Rabbitohs), Drew Hutchison and Jake Turpin (Roosters), Curran (Warriors) and Connor Tracey (Sharks) each came from clubs that played finals past twelvemonth and knew what occurrence looks like. Sitili Tupouniua arrives adjacent play with akin references.

The Bulldogs person spoken regularly astir changing the civilization astatine Belmore.


Ciraldo called retired a hopeless try-saving tackle by back-rower Jacob Preston, which followed a scrambling effort from Blake Wilson connected the other sideline a subordinate earlier.

His emotion of defence, and the catching obsession successful his side, was epitomised successful 1 play. He went connected to explicate why.

“No alteration successful the operation oregon the system,” Ciraldo said.

“It’s the nonstop aforesaid strategy we had erstwhile Newcastle pumped america doubly past year.

“The alteration has been astir the culture. We’ve got bully radical successful who privation to enactment hard and they emotion each other.

“Whenever you’ve got that you’re going to beryllium hard to interruption down. I conscionable emotion watching them support astatine the moment.”

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