The billionaire ‘French Rupert Murdoch’ shaking up the election

2 days ago 2
By Benoit Berthelot and Tara Patel

July 5, 2024 — 6.22am

The emergence of Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally to front-runner successful Sunday’s French predetermination is intimately intertwined with the emergence of a almighty blimpish media instrumentality backed by billionaire Vincent Bolloré, dubbed the “French Murdoch”.

Since helium started gathering his French media empire 8 years ago, the platforms controlled by the Bolloré household done Vivendi person reeled successful a increasing assemblage by focusing connected the far-right issues espoused by Le Pen and her party: transgression and immigration. In doing so, they person pulled those concerns into the mainstream, according to academics who person studied the National Rally question and French media.

Billionaire Vincent Bollore started gathering  his French media empire conscionable  8  years ago,

Billionaire Vincent Bollore started gathering his French media empire conscionable 8 years ago,Credit: AP

It’s hard to accidental however acold Le Pen’s ascent is down to Bolloré‘s sum — some whitethorn person benefited from voters’ increasing dissatisfaction with France’s established governmental parties. But what is clear, the academics say, is that Vivendi’s CNews tv transmission and related vigor and people outlets person normalised and amplified her governmental connection — though they caution it’s hard to gully a nonstop nexus betwixt the contented and elector behaviour.

“Their prime of guests and the mode contented is framed tin service to legitimise a definite imaginativeness of the world,” said Safia Dahani, a postdoctoral chap astatine the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, who studies the acold right.

Le Pen’s enactment won the biggest share successful the archetypal circular of voting connected Sunday, beating some an confederation of the near and President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist group. Macron dissolved the National Assembly and called for drawback legislative ballot pursuing his party’s crushing decision successful the European Parliament election.


With a accidental the July 7 2nd circular volition present a far-right bulk successful the little location of parliament, the relation played by the media is drafting greater scrutiny. In the past, astir mainstream quality outlets characterised the views pushed by Le Pen and her party, including a “French First” argumentation connected employment, healthcare and nationalist lodging — giving citizens precedence implicit non-citizens — arsenic extreme. That guardrail has since weakened arsenic platforms similar Bolloré’s person echoed the party’s positions oregon adjacent endorsed them.

Vivendi president and Vincent’s son, Yannick Bolloré, 44, dismisses the conception that his begetter is pushing far-right politics, saying successful an interrogation connected the sidelines of the Cannes Lions league successful June that he’s a “Christian-democrat”. The younger Bolloré shrugged disconnected a study in Le Monde that his begetter had a nonstop manus successful the splintering of the mainstream blimpish enactment implicit whether to articulation forces with Le Pen.

“I don’t cognize who he’s meeting, but helium is not pulling the strings connected anything, and helium is not pushing 1 enactment oregon another,” Yannick said. “He is not acold right.”

Still, successful the weeks since Macron called the drawback election, the Bolloré-linked media person gone into overdrive, expanding contented sharing crossed platforms. A screen communicative successful the influential play Sunday paper Le Journal du Dimanche, oregon JDD — that the radical acquired past twelvemonth — featured a sympathetic interrogation with the president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, with the header “My ambition for France”. Quotes from the interrogation were amplified by CNews and vigor presumption Europe 1.

The prima anchor of a speech amusement connected Vivendi’s C8 channel, Cyril Hanouna, was fixed a peculiar regular two-hour governmental amusement connected the group’s Europe 1 radio. On CNews, a presenter praised the National Rally’s level that grants the presumption of self-defence to constabulary officers.

Vincent Bollore, centre, with sons Yannick (left) and Cyrille.

Vincent Bollore, centre, with sons Yannick (left) and Cyrille.Credit: Bloomberg

Bolloré-linked media are among factors contributing to the rising popularity of Le Pen’s party, said Julien Labarre, writer of a survey connected CNews published successful January arsenic portion of his doctoral thesis astatine the University of California, Santa Barbara.

The survey recovered that CNews attracts viewers — adjacent if they lone tune successful erstwhile a week — who are overmuch much apt to beryllium National Rally voters. It concluded that arsenic the astir close helping of each French media and the 1 astir supportive of far-right candidates, CNews is straight comparable to Rupert Murdoch-controlled News Corp’s Fox News successful the US. The transmission “has the astir ideologically extremist quality assemblage wrong the French media ecosystem, and that the signifier is much pronounced with higher frequence of use“, it said.

“[They] person an ideological intent and a fiscal purpose,” Labarre said. “What amended mode to marque wealth than to seizure a conception of the colonisation on ideological lines?”

Daily shows connected CNews routinely diagnostic governmental pundits promoting ultra-conservative talking points, with an accent connected transgression and insecurity, particularly targeting immigrants, and attacks connected Islam. The clip spent connected specified themes gets the transmission and different Vivendi media outlets predominant raps connected the knuckles from the country’s media regulator.

French far-right person  Marine Le Pen’s enactment      won the biggest stock  successful  the archetypal  circular  of voting connected  Sunday.

French far-right person Marine Le Pen’s enactment won the biggest stock successful the archetypal circular of voting connected Sunday.Credit: AP

In the astir caller complaint, the watchdog connected Friday sent retired a ceremonial notice, saying Europe 1 vigor treated the left-wing confederation successful a captious and pejorative manner, and that the level lacked “honesty”. In February, France’s highest tribunal asked CNews to respect plurality connected the channel, including its commentators. Vivendi’s latest yearly study describes incidents of sanctions, proceedings oregon fines against CNews from the regulator, including for comments “considered to promote favoritism connected spiritual grounds.”

For Labarre, French media laws — dating backmost to the 1980s and meant to beforehand governmental pluralism — are some obsolete and toothless.

“The fines are laughable,” helium said.

For instance, Vivendi’s yearly study says CNews was fined €200,000 ($320,000) successful 2021 for comments astir unaccompanied migrant minors. It mislaid an entreaty successful France and is present going to the European Court of Human Rights. In January this year, the regulator fined the transmission €50,000 for breach of honesty and accuracy astir municipality safety.

Vivendi declined to remark for this story.

Bolloré started gathering his French media empire successful 2016, a twelvemonth earlier Le Pen mislaid to Macron successful the statesmanlike election. He acquired what would go CNews that year, adding Europe 1 and JDD past year.

The rightward slant of these platforms appears to person boosted their audiences. CNews, which mislaid wealth for years, has started to crook a nett and by 1 measurement bushed its main rival BFMTV successful May for the archetypal time, with a 2.8 per cent marketplace share, up from 0.7 per cent successful 2017. Europe 1, which got declining ratings for years, is seeing its assemblage increasing with the summation of caller shows hosted by CNews stars.

The quality outlets marque up lone a tiny fraction of Vivendi’s globe-spanning media and publishing business, which served to diversify the Bolloré radical distant from logistics and shipping. The tycoon has a nett worthy of $US8.4 cardinal ($12.5 billion), according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index — with the household holding institution owning astir 30 per cent of Vivendi.


Bolloré entered the aforesaid segments that astatine 1 constituent gave News Corp its media breadth. He dived into everything from movie accumulation and distribution, TV and broadcasting, advertising, newspapers and magazines to books and music. With his outlets’ inclination to enactment right-wing ideologies and beforehand blimpish ideas, determination has been an progressive tilt toward “God and country”.

His lad Yannick says the absorption taken by the group’s media units person been bully for business. For instance, the younger Bolloré praised the strategy of CNews, whose editorial enactment helium refused to qualify.

“It’s go the No. 1 quality transmission successful France and is present profitable; arsenic a shareholder it is the lone metric that you look at,” helium said.


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