The China challenge: Fix India’s lopsided bilateral trade

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premium Opinion

Livemint 1 min read 14 May 2024, 07:15 AM IST

Production-linked incentives person  raised section  manufacturing successful  immoderate   categories, but a greater weaning distant  from China would request   a gargantuan enlargement  of mill  output successful  India. Production-linked incentives person raised section manufacturing successful immoderate categories, but a greater weaning distant from China would request a gargantuan enlargement of mill output successful India.


  • Having displaced the US, China is backmost connected apical arsenic India’s biggest commercialized partner, but the spread betwixt our imports and exports is vast. Decoupling isn’t feasible, but the imbalance needs attention.

Having displaced the US, China is backmost successful the apical spot arsenic India’s biggest commercialized partner, with bilateral commercialized hitting $118.4 cardinal successful fiscal 2023-24, according to Global Trade Research Initiative data. This was made up of $101.7 cardinal successful imports by India, up 3.2%, and $16.7 cardinal successful Indian exports, up 8.7%. The crisp quality is grounds of India’s dense reliance connected Chinese goods contempt efforts astatine reduction. 

Production-linked incentives person raised section manufacturing successful immoderate categories, but a greater weaning distant from China would request a gargantuan enlargement of mill output successful India. A decoupling whitethorn not beryllium imaginable beyond a point, fixed however cheaply Chinese factories churn retired truthful galore products we need. Free-trade advocates reason that it’s utile to import from China what it’s amended astatine making. 

But we besides request to boost exports to China, arsenic the commercialized postulation close present is excessively lopsided. While our system lone needs to support a wide outer balance, geopolitical complexities person made galore countries interest astir proviso risks. Reducing our vulnerability to China whitethorn beryllium prudent successful this discourse too.

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