The sauciest vegetarian carbonara to try this week

2 days ago 2

Sponsored by Barilla Al Bronzo

When considering comfortableness food, it’s hard to walk connected a classical spaghetti carbonara.

This vegetarian twist captures the aforesaid affluent and creamy flavours, minus immoderate meat. By combining tender leeks and delicious yellowish capsicums, this crockery creates a velvety condiment that perfectly clings to each strand of Barilla Al Bronzo Spaghetti.

This peculiar pasta is crafted utilizing the exclusive ‘Lavorazione Grezza’ bronze-cut method, giving it a rough, textured aboveground that binds effortlessly with immoderate sauce. Made with the highest prime durum wheat, Al Bronzo packs implicit 14 per cent protein, has a robust texture and cleanable al dente wound each time. Its generous thickness and aggravated roughness marque it the perfect prime for dishes that request a pasta with quality and depth.

Elevate your pasta nights with this look that’s comforting, delicious, and ohio truthful satisfying. Watch the afloat video to travel on astatine home.


  • 400g Barilla Al Bronzo Spaghetti
  • 50g leeks
  • 4 yellowish capsicums
  • 20g reddish chilli
  • 40g Pecorino Romano
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Freshly cracked achromatic pepper


  1. Thinly portion the leeks lengthwise.
  2. De-seed and chop capsicum.
  3. Toss ingredients successful a cookware with olive lipid implicit debased vigor and play well.
  4. Blitz vegetables successful a blender with Pecorino, a pinch of brackish and drizzle of olive lipid (tip: adhd olive lipid gradually until the desired consistency is achieved).
  5. In a ample cookware hole Barilla Al Bronzo Spaghetti per battalion instructions.
  6. Once al dente, strain the Spaghetti, instrumentality it to the cookware and flip successful capsicum cream.
  7. Top with remaining Pecorino and play with achromatic capsicum to serve.

For Barilla, the creation of pasta making is simply a contented they person been perfecting since 1877. Today, this passionateness reaches from their location successful Italy, each crossed the world. Barilla Al Bronzo is disposable nationally successful Coles , Woolworths and Independent grocers.

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