Think the Middle East doesn’t affect us? Payman’s exit tells a different story

2 days ago 1

Few would person predicted that 9 months aft the October Hamas violent onslaught against Israel, an Australian Labor Party legislator would interruption decades of caucus solidarity and transverse the level of parliament to ballot with the crossbench. Nor could anyone person predicted that section uprisings successful Syria opening successful March 2011 would yet spot respective 100 Australian men and women question to that state and Iraq to enactment a radical committed to attacking Australia, and that dozens much would assistance facilitate oregon behaviour attacks successful Australia itself.

Illustration by Simon Letch

Illustration by Simon LetchCredit:

By contrast, arsenic important and tragic satellite events, specified arsenic Russia’s penetration of Ukraine oregon the civilian warfare successful Sudan that has raged for the past 18 months, person made hardly a ripple successful Australian society. Claims of genocide being carried retired successful Gaza are routinely raised successful parliament and successful thoroughfare protests, portion Greens person Adam Bandt has accused the Israeli subject of engineering a famine.

Yet successful Sudan, separated from Gaza by little than fractional the region that separates Perth from Sydney, a struggle that is unfolding astatine the aforesaid clip – with acold much devastating humanitarian consequences for the civilian colonisation erstwhile not lone deaths but displacements, malnutrition and illness are taken into relationship – has had nary interaction connected either Australian nine oregon Australian politics.

Of course, immoderate of the reasons are readily apparent. The Russia-Ukraine struggle is mostly binary and truthful easy understood. It besides pits the wide antiauthoritarian bid against totalitarian Russia and its partners. Australia has been robust successful its enactment for Ukraine with weapons, grooming and logistics to assistance its subject combat the Russians. And Australia has ne'er enjoyed a peculiarly adjacent narration with Russia.

An uneasy stand-off astatine  Melbourne University betwixt  a Jewish assemblage  rally and students protesting against Israel’s warfare  successful  Gaza.

An uneasy stand-off astatine Melbourne University betwixt a Jewish assemblage rally and students protesting against Israel’s warfare successful Gaza.Credit: Sherryn Groch

In the lawsuit of Sudan, it has been and remains a analyzable and unstable situation successful which Australia has small expertise and small interest. And Australia has a precise tiny home constituency acrophobic astir Africa oregon African lives. Where Gaza dominates the nightly news, Sudan is an afterthought, if it features astatine all.


The Hamas onslaught and consequent Israeli effect is an contented that has divided segments of Australian nine and placed politicians successful a hard position. Part of this is due to the fact that of the complexity of the issue. Australia has wholly antithetic relations with the main protagonists – it enjoys a bully narration with the authorities of Israel, portion Hamas is simply a listed violent group.

At the aforesaid time, the authorities advocates for a two-state solution to the contented of Palestine, portion it condemns the gathering of Israeli settlements connected Palestinian land. On a idiosyncratic level, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese helped found the Friends of Palestine parliamentary radical a 4th of a period ago.

Despite this, connected Thursday afternoon, Senator Fatima Payman discontinue the Labor Party to beryllium arsenic an independent, condemning “our government’s indifference to the top injustice of our times” with Israel’s attacks connected Gaza.

The Middle East has agelong had a mode of imposing itself connected Australian authorities successful a mode that belies its remoteness from us. Whether that is done our dispatch of troops determination successful World Wars I and II oregon much precocious successful Iraq arsenic portion of our perceived confederation requirements, due to the fact that of the economical opportunities it presents, oregon progressively done immigration, we person agelong shared a past with the region.


But events successful the Middle East tin uncover responsibility lines successful our nine and energise individuality authorities astatine the disbursal of statement astir what is successful the nationalist interest. A radical calling itself The Muslim Vote, which has declared it volition people Labor-held seats successful effect to its enactment for Israel, is the latest and astir nationalist manifestation of this trend. Given Australia’s acquisition with sectarian-based authorities past century, and the harm that individuality authorities has done successful the Middle East, this is improbable to beryllium a bully thing. (Payman said she was not affiliated with the group.)

The aforesaid twelvemonth that Albanese began the Friends of Palestine group, the noted historiographer Bernard Lewis published his publication Multiple Identities of the Middle East. In it, helium explains the Middle East’s penchant for struggle done the multiplicity of identities that beryllium successful the portion and the mode that this has influenced people’s views of, and absorption to, peculiar issues. As an historian, helium was, of course, focused connected the past, and of the lived acquisition of the groups astir whom helium wrote.

But the mode successful which the warfare successful Gaza has mobilised segments of the colonisation successful Australia – and what it mightiness accidental astir the aboriginal of individuality authorities – is concerning. There are conscionable implicit 100,000 Jewish Australians and galore less radical with Palestinian heritage.

Claim and counter-claim of antisemitism and Islamophobia successful Australia person routinely been deployed to discredit 1 broadside oregon the other. At the aforesaid time, galore of those camping retired successful assemblage protests oregon marching connected the streets oregon defacing politicians’ offices oregon warfare memorials, oregon simply wearing keffiyehs, are neither Palestinian nor Muslim, and comparatively fewer would person been to, oregon would ever privation to spell to, Gaza.


Events successful the Middle East person for galore years person had an interaction connected Australian information successful ways that belie its geographic separation from this country. But the region’s quality to enforce itself connected Australian authorities has taken a caller direction.

The launching of a Muslim governmental grouping and the resignation of a Muslim ALP legislator from the enactment has brought the problems bedevilling the Middle East straight into home Australian politics. But those seeking to usage grievance authorities arsenic a mode of garnering governmental power should besides admit the grade to which individuality authorities is the basal origin of galore of the Middle East’s problems.

Dr Rodger Shanahan is simply a Middle East analyst. As an service officer, his operational acquisition included Lebanon, Syria and Afghanistan. He is the writer of Islamic State successful Australia.

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