This beautiful memoir beats with a radically open heart

2 days ago 2

For Life: A Memoir of Living and Dying – and Flying
Ailsa Piper
Allen & Unwin, $34.99

Grief moves dilatory and deep. The powerfulness of playwright and writer Ailsa Piper’s memoir, For Life, is that it does not woody lone with the abrupt decease of her spouse of 28 years successful 2014, erstwhile Piper happened to beryllium interstate. It carries the communicative guardant done the COVID years erstwhile her begetter is approaching the extremity of his beingness successful Western Australia and her quality to beryllium with him is restricted. Seven, 8 and 9 years aft her hubby Peter Curtin’s death from a encephalon haemorrhage, her feelings person become, if anything, much analyzable and subtle. She shares this communicative with exquisite attraction to some her interior and outer landscape.

Ailsa Piper speaks of not lone  trying to find   however  to unrecorded  but besides  wherefore  to live.

Ailsa Piper speaks of not lone trying to find however to unrecorded but besides wherefore to live.Credit: Nicholas Coghlan

The philosopher Simone Weil, who died successful 1943 astatine the property of lone 34, wrote profoundly astir the signifier not of paying attraction but of enabling oneself to springiness attention. For her, this was astatine the bosom of knowing affliction, which is portion of what Piper mildly attempts to do.

In a justly celebrated effort astir education, for example, Weil wrote “the improvement of the module of attraction forms the existent entity and astir the sole involvement of studies”. By this, she does not mean the “muscular effort” that keeps a pupil chained to their books. She means allowing oneself to beryllium truthful mislaid successful wonderment that 1 is “penetrated by the object”. Weil utilized to instrumentality her students extracurricular successful the anticipation that their attraction would beryllium simultaneously captured and liberated. She said “prayer consists of attention”.

For Life is not an overtly spiritual publication and nor is Weil’s essay. Piper does brackish her sorrow with spiritual longing and has a radically unfastened heart, but the acquisition of this beauteous publication is its quality to springiness attention. Piper assembles a fig of inactive lifes from the hushed satellite astir her. For example, we travel the communicative of a household of peregrine falcons perched precocious supra Melbourne connected the ledge of an bureau building. Piper attends to their familial strangeness, and barracks for the fledglings who struggle. Likewise, her attraction is captured by seahorses and adjacent by what it means to swim. “Learning to aquatics was relearning to breathe.”

Above all, she shares with her precocious husband, an actor, a fascination with words. He would survey connection each time and people his latest discoveries successful a dictionary. Piper often pauses her communicative to remark upon words, particularly unusual ones. We larn that a babe echidna is called a puggle and that ‘eustasy’ refers to a alteration successful oversea level. ‘Quotidian’ tin mean commonplace oregon trivial. ‘Offing’ is the abstraction betwixt oversea and sky. These words, and determination are many, are acceptable similar jewels successful the humdrum routines of grief’s regular grind.

Why should we autumn successful love? What of the coincidence that her husband’s name, Peter, means stone but tin besides mean to diminish oregon adjacent to travel to an end? Along the way, we larn astir the couple’s “whirlwind” romance and deepening trust: Curtin suffered from anxiousness and depression, neither of which helium chose to show precise overmuch publicly.

There is simply a peculiar resonance successful the information that a peregrine falcon shares its sanction with a connection for pilgrim, from which we deduce peregrination. Piper is surely a pilgrim, and this publication is unsettled by her question betwixt cities, trying to find a caller spot of belonging.


She has antecedently explored the pilgrim acquisition successful her relationship of walking the Camino del Santiago, Sinning Across Spain, different tender book. In a postscript to that book, added aft Curtin’s death, she says “walking is my large teacher”. It showed her “the biggest misdeed I could perpetrate would beryllium to adjacent myself disconnected from life”. In For Life, Piper speaks of not lone trying to find however to unrecorded but besides wherefore to live. “Do seahorses and falcons consciousness hope?” she says.

Piper’s household is complex. Her father, who is the inactive constituent successful the narrative, mislaid his parent and sister successful a car mishap erstwhile they were young. His archetypal wife, Piper’s mother, near him. His 2nd woman died of an aneurysm. He was ne'er financially secure. Yet arsenic helium inexorably fades from life, helium becomes a centre of love. His carnal weakness seems to make a assemblage of carers, relatives, chap patients and friends that is affluent successful humanity and compassion. Piper records the minutiae of these days. “The lived acquisition is relief. There is immoderate peace, dropping slow.” She concludes: “I don’t cognize what repair looks like, but thing astatine the borderline of my imaginativeness tells maine Dad is teaching maine astir that too.”

Michael McGirr is the writer of Ideas to Save Your Life (Text).

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