Tom Hanks’s Son Chet Hanks Has Condemned The Extremists Who Are Using His Phrase “White Boy Summer” To Represent White Supremacy

2 days ago 2

In an article published connected their tract connected Tuesday, GPAHE revealed that groups including the Proud Boys and White Lives Matter person been utilizing Chet’s slogan “to dispersed propaganda, enlistee caller members, and facilitate targeted hatred campaigns including acts of vandalism and hatred incidents.”

Just past month, podcaster Jack Posobiec — who the Southern Poverty Law Center has linked to achromatic supremacists — was seen waving a banner with the words “white lad summer” written connected it astatine a blimpish radical gathering successful Detroit, wherever erstwhile president Donald Trump was a keynote speaker. 

Thousands of posts utilizing the word “white lad summer” person besides been documented connected Telegram, a level known for its usage by extremist groups, this year, with the New York Times adding that the word present “represents an unapologetic clasp of achromatic heterosexual masculinity, often astatine the disbursal of women and radical of color.”

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