Trump allies hope his daughter Tiffany's father-in-law can help flip Arab American votes in Michigan

1 week ago 5

LANSING, Mich. -- One of Donald Trump’s emissaries to Arab Americans is simply a Lebanese-born businessman who moved to Texas arsenic a teenager, speaks Arabic, English and French, and precocious joined the Trump household erstwhile his lad joined the erstwhile president’s younger daughter.

Massad Boulos has taken connected the situation of trying to person a politically influential assemblage angry astatine President Joe Biden that Trump is simply a amended option. But galore Arab Americans besides enactment Trump has positioned himself arsenic much pro-Israel than Biden and has made a bid of comments and argumentation announcements that critics blast arsenic Islamophobic.

Trump has agelong enactment family members and their relatives successful cardinal roles successful his campaigns and the White House. Boulos, whose lad Michael joined Tiffany Trump 2 years ago, is the latest comparative to emergence successful Trump's governmental orbit arsenic helium uses long-standing connections successful an effort to physique enactment for the presumptive Republican nominee's 2024 campaign.

Some Trump allies deliberation they tin capitalize connected dissension wrong Biden's Democratic basal implicit his enactment for the Israeli violative successful Gaza, wherever much than 37,000 radical person died since Hamas' Oct. 7, according to wellness officials successful the Hamas-run territory who bash not springiness the breakdown of civilians and fighters. Biden faced a significant protestation vote during the Michigan superior February successful areas with precocious numbers of Arab Americans, who are an important Democratic bloc.

“Obviously the No. 1 constituent that is of precocious precedence wrong the Arab American assemblage is the existent warfare successful the Middle East,” Boulos said successful an interview. “And the question is, who tin bring bid and who is bringing war? And they cognize the reply to that.”

Several of the radical who person met with Boulos besides constituent to Trump's statements astir Arabs and Muslims. While president, Trump banned immigration from respective majority-Muslim countries and questioned the loyalty of Muslim lawmakers serving successful Congress. Now, arsenic helium campaigns for a 2nd word aft losing successful 2020, Trump has astatine times criticized Biden for being insufficiently supportive of Israel and has threatened to deport pro-Palestinian protesters helium labels arsenic supporters of Hamas.

“I told Massad, ‘This isn’t astir you being Lebanese and maine being Lebanese,’” said Osama Siblani, a steadfast of the Arab American News successful Dearborn. “You can’t conscionable bargain votes. You person to springiness thing important to the community. And Trump hasn’t done that yet.”

Boulos, who is of mean stature with graying achromatic hair, quadrate glasses, and a warm, affable smile, is often complimented for his calm demeanor and humility — qualities not ever associated with idiosyncratic overseeing a billion-dollar conglomerate.

Born successful Lebanon, Boulos moved to Texas soon earlier attending the University of Houston and obtaining a doc of jurisprudence degree. Boulos said helium actively participated successful Republican authorities arsenic a student.

After graduating, helium yet joined his family's concern of 3 generations and became the managing manager and CEO of the conglomerate SCOA Nigeria, which specializes successful the assembly and organisation of centrifugal vehicles and equipment.

Boulos has a inheritance successful authorities successful his location country, having tally unsuccessfully for a parliamentary spot successful Lebanon successful 2009. He describes himself arsenic a “friend” of Sleiman Frangieh, a Christian person allied with the Shiite enactment and the militant radical Hezbollah. Frangieh is presently Hezbollah’s endorsed campaigner for Lebanon’s statesmanlike vacancy.

A protagonist of Trump from afar since his archetypal campaign, Boulos became much straight progressive aft gathering Trump astatine a White House Christmas enactment successful 2019. At the time, Michael Boulos was dating Tiffany Trump.

Massad Boulos has fixed nary caller donations, according to run concern records. But successful a travel to Michigan this month, helium attended what helium described arsenic a “private fundraising event” with U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., U.S. Rep. Lisa McClain, R-Mich., and astir 50 Arab Americans.

Boulos assisted with the 2020 campaign, but his relation has importantly expanded since his lad joined Tiffany Trump successful 2022, particularly arsenic Arab American dissatisfaction with Biden presented what Trump allies deliberation is simply a larger governmental opportunity.

“One little ballot for Biden is simply a ballot for Trump,” said Bishara Bahbah, president of the radical Arab Americans for Trump.

Boulos maintains a “very adjacent moving relationship” with the group, Bahbah said.

The group, which says it is autarkic of the Trump campaign, has established operations successful Michigan and Arizona, states identified arsenic precedence areas by “people adjacent to Trump,” Bahbah said.

A May meeting held successful Troy, Michigan, included Massad and Michael Boulos arsenic good arsenic Richard Grenell, who was Trump’s ambassador to Germany and is simply a cardinal overseas argumentation advisor to the erstwhile president. Approximately 40 Arab American activists from crossed the state attended.

While Arab Americans for Trump was progressive successful the event, Boulos said that it had chiefly been initiated by Grenell. The gathering received mixed feedback, with immoderate attendees saying it lacked substance and failed to code their concerns regarding Trump.

“Grenell didn’t accidental what they would do, but helium kept reminding america that erstwhile Trump was president, determination was nary warfare whatsoever and that helium launched the biggest bid effort successful the Middle East. But astir Arabs and Muslims don’t see the Abraham Accords a bid agreement," said Khaled Saffuri, an Arab American governmental activistic who was successful attendance.

Grenell tried to telephone Trump to person him code attendees by phone, according to aggregate radical astatine the meeting. The erstwhile president did not answer.

Grenell and the Trump run declined to comment.

Just implicit a week later, Boulos returned for different circular of engagements. This time, helium had respective meetings with astir 50 members of the Arab American community, alongside one-on-one sessions with individuals identified arsenic “high-target” leaders by Mike Hacham, the coordinator for Arab Americans for Trump successful Michigan.

Boulos said his efforts truthful acold person been “more of a idiosyncratic effort to reconnect with friends.” He said helium typically begins meetings by speaking for adjacent to 20 minutes, laying retired the records of the Biden and Trump presidencies. He past opens the level for immoderate questions.

Siblani had a astir two-hour gathering with Boulos, who was accompanied by Bahbah, the seat of Arab Americans for Trump.

According to Siblani, Boulos argued that things were amended for Arab Americans nether Trump and that the satellite saw little struggle and less wars during his presidency, suggesting Trump could assistance resoluteness the Gaza conflict.

But erstwhile Siblani pushed back, helium said that Boulos lacked “facts to beryllium his assertion that Trump is better.”

“Massad is incapable to person radical to travel to Trump's broadside due to the fact that helium hasn't offered thing important to the community, but that his lad is joined to Trump’s girl and helium has access,” Siblani said. “That is fine, but what we request is argumentation and what Trump volition do."

In interviews, Boulos said that Trump “respects and admires” the Arab American community. He denied the beingness of a “Muslim ban,” which is however galore Trump opponents notation to his prohibition connected immigrants from respective majority-Muslim countries. Boulos argued it was really “extreme vetting from definite parts of the world."

The cardinal messages arising from these meetings, Boulos said, are communicated to Trump. Boulos highlighted a caller societal media station from Trump that promised to bring “peace successful the Middle East” if reelected, arsenic evidence. Boulos asserted that the timing of the station “wasn’t a coincidence” but alternatively a effect to “listening to the community’s concerns.”

Trump’s statement, posted connected his societal media platform, Truth Social, connected June 4, did not spell acold capable for aggregate assemblage leaders who met with Boulos.

In a statement, Trump run spokesperson Brian Hughes said the run is "grateful that supporters of President Trump are moving to pass with this community."

“We stock the content that Biden’s failed Middle East policies person brought death, chaos and warfare to the region. That nonaccomplishment led tens of thousands of Democrats to ballot ‘uncommitted’ successful Michigan’s Presidential primary. The Trump run has and volition proceed to pass to those voters and punctual them that President Trump’s policies successful the Middle East brought that portion historical levels of bid and stability," Hughes said.

Some successful the assemblage inactive consciousness that determination are different options than conscionable Trump and Biden. Green Party campaigner Jill Stein visited Dearborn this twelvemonth to conscionable with leaders and precocious had conversations with the city’s mayor, Abdullah Hammoud, astir the anticipation of him becoming her moving mate.

Hammoud, astatine 34 years old, is ineligible to service arsenic vice president. The U.S. Constitution requires some the president and vice president to beryllium astatine slightest 35.

Officials successful Biden’s medication person besides visited Dearborn to conscionable with section leaders and person maintained ongoing interaction with them, including Siblani.

Ammar Moussa, a spokesperson for the Biden campaign, criticized Trump allies' outreach, saying successful a connection that Trump “is the biggest menace to the Muslim and Arab community.”

“He and his allies judge we don't beryllium successful this state and Trump is openly speaking astir allowing Israel to weaponry Gaza without regard,” said Moussa, who is Arab American. "Trump and his run are racists and Islamophobes. Period. President Biden, connected the different hand, is moving tirelessly towards a conscionable and lasting peace.”

Until the November election, Boulos said helium volition proceed to disagreement his clip betwixt managing his institution and gathering with the Arab American community.

He stressed that helium is solely driven by being a “concerned national and a Republican.” He has not contemplated a relation successful Trump's medication if the Republican were to win.

“I honestly don’t person immoderate thoughts astir that astatine this time. I didn’t springiness this immoderate thought whatsoever, but decidedly I bash not aspire for anything,” helium said.


Associated Press reporters Jill Colvin successful Washington, Abby Sewell successful Beirut, Lebanon, and Chinedu Asadu successful Lagos, Nigeria, contributed to this report.

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