Turkey Foreign Exchange Reserves

3 days ago 2

Turkey's gross overseas speech reserves owned oregon managed by the cardinal slope of Turkey, excluding gold, are referred to arsenic "Foreign Exchange Reserves".

A higher than expected fig should beryllium seen arsenic affirmative (bullish) for the TRY portion a little than expected fig should beryllium seen arsenic antagonistic (bearish) for the TRY.

Category:&nbsp Foreign Exchange Reserves

Units:&nbsp Billion


Impact: Low

Currency: TRY

Latest Release

Previous: $88.43B


Actual: $88.49B

Next Release

Date: Jul 04, 11:30

Time left: 11h 28min

Symbol Community Trend (Shorts vs Longs) Symbol Popularity Avg. Short Price / Distance From Price Avg. Long Price / Distance From Price Current Price
-177793 pips
+15526 pips
-61458 pips
+19101 pips
-414698 pips
+8866 pips

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