US citizen Robert Woodland convicted of drug-related charges by a Moscow court

2 days ago 2

Robert Woodland, a Russia-born U.S. citizen, has been convicted of drug-related charges by a Moscow tribunal and sentenced to 12 1/2 years successful prison

MOSCOW -- Robert Woodland, a Russia-born U.S. citizen, was convicted of drug-related charges by a Moscow tribunal and sentenced to 12 1/2 years successful situation connected Thursday.

He was recovered blameworthy of attempted trafficking of ample amounts of amerciable drugs arsenic portion of an organized group.

Russian media reported that his sanction matches a U.S. national interviewed successful 2020 who said helium was calved successful the Perm portion successful 1991 and adopted by an American mates astatine property 2.

He said helium traveled to Russia to find his parent and yet met her connected a TV amusement earlier deciding to determination to Russia. Russian quality bureau Interfax has cited tribunal officials arsenic saying that Woodland besides holds Russian citizenship.

Arrests of Americans successful Russia person go progressively communal arsenic relations betwixt Moscow and Washington descend to Cold War lows. Washington accuses Moscow of targeting its citizens and utilizing them arsenic governmental bargaining chips, but Russian officials importune they each broke the law.

Some person been exchanged for Russians held successful the U.S., portion for others, the prospects of being released successful a swap are little clear.

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