When I met Starmer, he’d have won my ‘least likely PM’ vote. Look at him now

2 days ago 1

Britain has undergone a Tory-ectomy. Starmageddon is nether way. Jubilation and alleviation are successful the air. For the archetypal clip successful 14 years, this colonisation of pessimistic Eeyores is wondering if possibly optimism is not an oculus disease.

 Labour person  Keir Starmer and woman  Victoria connected  polling day.

The caller faces of No.10 Downing Street: Labour person Keir Starmer and woman Victoria connected polling day.Credit: Getty Images

But a Labour triumph was ne'er a done deal. Despite the polls promising a Labour tsunami and truthful galore ministerial rats deserting the sinking Tory ship, a wary, hardened scepticism has permeated Labour’s ranks. Why? Well, the British are a masochistic lot. They are, aft all, the lone radical connected the satellite who had a gyration past asked the monarchy back.

Another crushed Labour kept their hopes limbo-low is the people system. It’s hard for egalitarian Aussies to comprehend however powerfully upper-class superiority is sewn into the British psyche. Even their letters question archetypal and 2nd class, arsenic if the first-class message gets a small in-flight movie and a paper-parasoled cocktail en route.

Surveys reveals that Brits who talk with “received pronunciation”, specified arsenic Jacob Rees-Mogg and different snobs who nonstop their shirts retired to beryllium stuffed, are wide perceived to beryllium much intelligent, punctual, hygienic, susceptible and reliable than we plebs. Upper-class men are adjacent deemed to beryllium amended successful bed; a astonishing information arsenic astir posh blokes can’t thrust past a perversion without pulling over. Put it this way, the pick astatine their precocious teas isn’t each they similar whipped.

Institutional elitism blights British politics. Eton has produced 20 of Britain’s 55 premier ministers and the remainder are chiefly drawn from likewise exclusive acquisition institutions. This tiny cartel of privileged radical tally British affairs with nary thought of the harsh realities of beingness for mean people. Many intelligibly judge successful small too themselves.


Take David Cameron. (Please do. To kowtow to the Conservatives’ far-right faction, helium recklessly kick-started Brexit, making him 1 of the astir despised politicians successful Britain.) I met him galore times during his No.10 tenure and the antheral is thing much than a charisma wrapping a vacuum.

Mind you, Boris Johnson makes Cameron look similar a Boy Scout. When I archetypal met Johnson helium was politician of London. With rumours flying astir Fleet Street astir his intersexual kleptomania and his emotion child, I commented, facetiously, that I didn’t spot him arsenic a politician but much arsenic a stallion. But Boris took this arsenic an invitation to spell into Flirt Overdrive, confirming my suspicion that helium suffers from a chronic irony deficiency.

One infinitesimal with Liz Truss besides verified my hunch that she needs to turn an other encephalon cell, arsenic the 1 she has indispensable get truthful lonely up there. In her assemblage with the King, conscionable aft she’d crashed the economy, adjacent the royal diplomat was overheard to despair, “Oh dear, ohio dear.”

Living successful England, I’ve looked up galore noses – adjacent radical shorter than me. And Rishi Sunak is nary exception. At the caller opening of the Portrait Gallery, arsenic soon arsenic helium heard my Aussie accent, the bonsai PM looked down connected me, contempt my vertiginous heels. What Rishi lacks successful tallness helium makes up for with a towering slope balance. The Sunday Times Rich List values his household luck astatine £651 million. A antheral of the people, obviously.


But now, aft each the sordid scandals – Partygate, corrupt PPE contracts for cronies, Boris Johnson’s woman Carrie Antoinette’s extravagant golden wallpaper, tractor porn, intersexual harassment suits, insider betting scandals, rivers and seas awash with sewage, the National Health Service successful intensive care, libraries closed and schools collapsing with factual crab etc – a Labour PM is moving into Downing Street.

I archetypal met Keir Starmer successful the aboriginal ’90s erstwhile helium pushed speech the babe bottles and half-eaten food fingers connected my room array to dispersed retired his bundle of ineligible papers.

My past husband, Geoff Robertson, had hired Keir arsenic his junior. Keir past joined Geoff successful establishing Doughty Street Chambers, present Europe’s largest quality rights practice, and acted successful galore of its starring cases. With his crumpled cardigan, rumpled shirt, intensely earnest speech and hangdog expression, helium would easy person won my ballot arsenic Least Likely To Be Prime Minister.

Well, from my room array to forming a room cabinet; it’s a large infinitesimal for Doughty Street Chambers. They’ve invited maine to their triumphant predetermination celebration. Keir is nary Clement Attlee. He’s cautious, a spot bland and with nary large vision, but he’s yet ousted the crooked Conservatives. Putting breached Britain backmost unneurotic again volition necessitate a labour of love. Literally.


But close now, each this chaos-weary state wants is to springiness a large suspiration of alleviation and propulsion a immense farewell enactment to those toxic Tories.

Kathy Lette’s latest caller is The Revenge Club.

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