Why Israel Must Take Rafah

1 week ago 8

It’s the last sanctuary for Hamas’s military battalions in Gaza.

The battle for Rafah has begun in Gaza, and it’s an essential part of Israel’s war of self-defense against Hamas. The terrorist group’s leaders have dragged out negotiations for a cease-fire for months, with no intention of freeing hostages while President Biden shielded their stronghold from attack. Now the masterminds of Oct. 7 are learning that Mr. Biden can’t protect them.

“No amount of pressure, no decision by any international forum, will stop Israel from defending itself,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday. “If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone. But we know we are not alone, because countless decent people around the world support our cause.”

Early Monday morning Israel ordered the evacuation of eastern Rafah, directing civilians to safety. In the afternoon Israeli tanks advanced. The plan is to evacuate and fight in the city piece by piece, swiftly moving civilians north and west without leaving Hamas free to tie down the people as human shields.

Objections are pouring in from the usual suspects. France says displacing Rafah’s civilians is a crime. Would it prefer that Israel fight among them, or simply leave Hamas alone? Unrwa says that it will resist evacuation. The United Nations refugee agency again puts its anti-Israel ideology above the safety of Palestinian civilians.

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