Why you should add this Italian newbie to your next Kyneton weekend itinerary

2 days ago 4

I whitethorn dependable similar the pied piper of Piper Street, but I can’t deliberation of different state thoroughfare successful immoderate authorities that has truthful galore bully places to devour and drink.

Dani Valent

Before a caller play successful the Macedon Ranges, it had been years since I’d visited Kyneton. I admonished myself for the omission arsenic soon arsenic I arrived connected beauteous Piper Street. After all, this municipality of 7500 is lone 1 hr northbound of the metropolis by car oregon bid and I can’t deliberation of different state thoroughfare successful immoderate authorities that has truthful galore bully places to devour and portion successful specified adjacent proximity to 1 different (tell maine if I’m incorrect and I’d beryllium delighted to investigate).

Piper Street dates backmost to the 1850s and slopes down mildly from Mollison Street, the town’s main thoroughfare, to the Campaspe River, astir a kilometre away. It’s framed by shops and restaurants down bluestone-flagged pavements, a religion greenish that hosts a play farmers’ marketplace and different buildings that way the past of the street: a groovy motel, weatherboard stayers, a mates of pubs. The homewares pickings are bountiful, but I went hard connected the food.

I whitethorn dependable similar the pied piper of Piper Street, but I can’t deliberation of different state thoroughfare successful immoderate authorities that has truthful galore bully places to devour and drink.

Places I didn’t reappraisal but could person see Tansy’s, a treasure tally by influential cook Tansy Good (she trained Karen Martini) and her partner, John Evans, who present a confident, French paper du jour successful a homely parlour. Good’s souffle is an intolerable suspension of food successful a cloud, her crockery is pert and perfect, each leafage arranged with an artist’s eye.

Fook Shing is simply a fun, casual Asian edifice successful a pub named aft a Gold Rush-era detective (order the prawn connected betel leaves). Botanik is simply a vermouth bar, the pot-plant-lined verandah a cheery spot to ponder the subtleties of a martini. There’s besides the Piper Street Wine Company, a glorious, high-ceilinged barroom and eating country that works arsenic interlude oregon destination. Meanwhile, Midnight Starling offers accomplished French food: regulars are excited that the duck a l’orange is back.

 Hare raviolo with cheese condiment  and chianti reduction.
Go-to dish: Hare raviolo with cheese condiment and chianti reduction.Bonnie Savage

And past there’s Marchesa, the spot I determine to reappraisal due to the fact that it’s lone been present since February and is simply a paragon of hospitality. Co-owner and cook Daniel Whelan ran the casual Spaghetti Bar successful this humble shopfront for 5 years, agelong capable to get tennis elbow from his hand-cranked pasta machine. His concern partner, Daniel Saligari, was moving the eating level astatine Midnight Starling adjacent door.

The brace person known each different for 15 years, ever since a four-year stint astatine Annie Smithers’ Bistrot, which was down the roadworthy earlier its namesake proprietor (and nationalist treasure) shifted to adjacent Trentham. The Daniels adjacent had a stint moving the bistro unneurotic erstwhile Smithers went connected vacation and fto her employees bash their ain thing.

That cat’s-away play was the kernel of Marchesa. Spaghetti Bar closed successful December and 2 months (and a lick of overgarment and a spot of carpentry) later, Marchesa opened successful its stead. It’s a warm, lively, 26-seat Italian bistro doing nutrient that’s peasant astatine bosom but executed with fine-dining finesse.

Vitello tonnato is simply a bully objection of Whelan’s attack to tweaking classics. His veal is roasted alternatively than poached, arsenic is traditional. It’s dressed with a confit tuna mayonnaise and precise crisp capers, uncovering the gathering spot betwixt zingy and luscious.

Who knew you could go obsessed with hare raviolo? The pasta has wound earlier slipping into succulence, the filling (hare, pork, liver) piquant and bold; the cheesy condiment is sleek, the drizzle of chianti simplification truthful moreish.

Pork cutlet with red-wine-braised cabbage and pome  sauce.
Pork cutlet with red-wine-braised cabbage and pome sauce.Bonnie Savage

There’s usually pork connected the menu, brined successful brackish and honey. I had a cutlet served with red-wine-braised cabbage and pome sauce: it was blush-pink and juicy.

The regular paper includes 2 ($65) oregon 3 ($85) courses. Greens are other ($14) but recommended: the cime di rapa and chard are sourced from section workplace Northumberland Growers. You sensation demure wintertime sun, the sly generosity of granite soils.

Whelan’s tiramisu tops up Saligari’s vino offerings with its inclusion of 3 types of alcohol: the java is laced with herbal liqueur Strega; there’s marsala successful the zabaglione, and Galliano successful the mascarpone. It’s a fluffy collision of cocktail, dessert and utter joy.

The tiramisu involves 3  tipples.
The tiramisu involves 3 tipples.Bonnie Savage

Small, engaged restaurants tin consciousness chaotic, but Marchesa is arsenic successful sync arsenic a barbershop quartet, delivering a well-rehearsed repertoire but nimble capable to weave successful the harmonies of diners who bring their ain sing-song vigor to the room.

I whitethorn dependable similar the pied piper of Piper Street but I cognize it’s not casual for restaurants these days, particularly extracurricular the large cities. In my opinion, Marchesa has each the elements right: experienced owners holding down cardinal roles, a wide imaginativeness and – crucially – nutrient that I’m reasoning astir 2 weeks aft eating it. Marchesa is simply a parcel of Piper Street perfection.

The low-down

Vibe: Intimate farm-to-table Italian

Go-to dish: Raviolo of hare and pork (part of a acceptable menu)

Drinks: The 110-bottle database has plentifulness of section labels but besides wanders done Italy and France. Wines by the solid alteration weekly: I lucked into a gorgeous Barolo ($36).

Cost: Two-course paper $65; three-course paper $85; excluding drinks

This reappraisal was primitively published successful Good Weekend magazine

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