Wildfire north of Los Angeles spreads as authorities issue evacuation orders

1 week ago 6

Authorities issued evacuation orders Saturday arsenic a wildfire successful Los Angeles County dispersed thousands of acres adjacent to a large road and threatened adjacent structures, officials said

GORMAN, Calif. -- Authorities issued evacuation orders Saturday arsenic a wildfire successful Los Angeles County dispersed thousands of acres adjacent to a large road and threatened adjacent structures, officials said.

The blaze that is being called the Post Fire burned much than 3,600 acres (5.6 quadrate miles oregon 14.5 quadrate kilometers) adjacent the Interstate 5 freeway successful Gorman, which is astir 62 miles (100 kilometers) northwest of Los Angeles, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. The flames broke retired astatine astir 1:45 p.m., authorities said.

The Los Angeles County Fire Department did not instantly respond to an email seeking remark connected the evacuations, whether determination were injuries reported and the latest size of the blaze. An probe is ongoing.

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