Wrong e-scooter charger led to fatal explosion

2 days ago 1
By Savannah Meacham

July 4, 2024 — 6.05pm

A Queensland antheral died from burns to astir of his assemblage aft a lithium-ion artillery occurrence erupted successful an e-scooter connected to an incompatible charger, a coroner has found.

The decease of a antheral – referred to arsenic Tyson – was an mishap aft helium suffered burns to 90 per cent of his assemblage successful a blaze successful March 2022, coroner Ainslie Kirkegaard ruled successful the non-inquest findings published connected Thursday.

A burnt-out location   aft  a occurrence  involving a lithium-ion battery.

A burnt-out location aft a occurrence involving a lithium-ion battery.Credit: Queensland Fire and Emergency Services

Tyson had acquired a second-hand electrical scooter 2 weeks earlier his decease and wanted to complaint it connected the nighttime of the fire.

As the instrumentality did not travel with a charger, helium borrowed his friend’s stolen charger for a antithetic exemplary of e-scooter.

Tyson placed the e-scooter connected complaint and went to furniture with his large girlfriend, Jade, successful a camper trailer parked astatine his grandmother’s south-east Queensland metropolitan home.

Twenty minutes later, 2 loud, firecracker-like bangs erupted.


The brace watched fume billow from the e-scooter earlier Tyson ran towards the doorway adjacent the flames.

He told Jade to get out, truthful she jumped from the nearest window.

A adjacent nonmigratory described the detonation arsenic being truthful large her location shook and it caused a immense shot of flames to erupt.

Emergency services rushed to the country to assistance Tyson, Jade and his grandmother, who had been wrong the adjoining spot astatine the time.

Tyson suffered burns to 90 per cent of his assemblage and his household was told helium would not past them.

He died successful an intensive attraction portion a time later.

Jade sustained burns to 50 per cent of her assemblage and underwent country to present her baby.

A occurrence probe probed the imaginable sources of the blaze but concluded the e-scooter and a mobile telephone were the lone electrical appliances successful usage astatine the clip of the fire.

It could not categorically regularisation retired the occurrence was lit by a quality but deemed a beardown likelihood that antithetic voltages betwixt the e-scooter and charger were down the blaze.

The coroner yet ruled the occurrence was a effect of an uncontrolled thermal runaway event, which is erstwhile vigor successful lithium-ion batteries increases faster than it tin beryllium dispersed to its surroundings.

The precocious somesthesia causes the artillery to decompose, creating much vigor and yet starring to an detonation of flammable gas.

Kirkegaard recovered the e-scooter’s interior batteries mightiness person been overcharged by excessive voltage from the incompatible charger that could person sparked the blaze.

“The circumstances successful which Tyson died service arsenic a tragic reminder of the value of lone utilizing chargers that are supplied with the instrumentality oregon device, oregon certified third-party charging instrumentality that is compatible with the artillery specifications,” her findings said.

“Using chargers with incorrect powerfulness transportation [voltage and current] tin origin harm to the artillery that tin pb to rapidly developing, aggravated and self-sustaining fires.”

She besides recovered ample batteries specified arsenic those successful e-scooters should beryllium charged distant from surviving spaces and successful areas equipped with fume alarms.


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