Yes, we really are dumb enough to import our own gas. Here’s why

2 days ago 3

But accumulation fell truthful abbreviated of expectations determination wasn’t capable to capable export contracts, which has meant state has been taken from the home marketplace and shipped overseas.

Santos’ Queensland fields person failed to unrecorded up to expectations, obliging the institution to bargain proviso from different producers that would different person been disposable to the home market.

Western Australia, which besides has a monolithic export industry, has since 2006 required state producers to reserve 15 per cent of their accumulation for the home market. But it’s the lone authorities to bash so.

The actions of backstage businesses are not the lone origin of the state debacle. State governments successful Victoria and NSW person failed to bring connected meaningful caller state proviso for much than a decade.

That’s contempt a long-forecast diminution successful accumulation from the Bass Strait fields, which traditionally supplied the bulk of state to confederate states.

Victoria slapped a prohibition connected onshore state exploration successful 2014 earlier lifting it in 2021, but the effect connected exploration and improvement was chilling.

NSW didn’t enforce a prohibition but did thing to unfastened caller supplies, portion state institution Santos’ projected task astatine Narrabri has been “progressing” toward accumulation since 2011.

Sims, who chaired the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission betwixt 2011 and 2022, had a front-row spot to the state dilemma.

“The state manufacture has got distant with much successful Australia than it would successful immoderate different country,” Sims said this week.

Sims admits that portion helium did not advocator for a home preservation strategy connected Queensland state fields portion astatine the ACCC, “in hindsight” it would person avoided the siphoning of state from the section marketplace to conscionable overseas orders.


“The authorities was assured determination was capable state for the 3 [Gladstone] projects erstwhile determination wasn’t. But past again, cipher expected NSW and Victoria to halt state development,” Sims said.

“Now we whitethorn beryllium successful the perfectly absurd presumption of exporting state from Queensland and importing it backmost in.”

Several projects are looking to capitalise connected the shortfall by gathering state import terminals, which could bargain shipments of state from the planetary market.

That could mean buying state from different exporting nations specified arsenic Qatar and the United States, oregon competing with planetary buyers for state from WA.


It could adjacent mean buying state from Queensland that the companies person offered to the much lucrative planetary marketplace but would merchantability to an Australian purchaser if the terms were right.

Gas is presently supplied from Queensland to NSW and Victoria via a pipeline, which is moving astatine afloat capacity. It appears excessively precocious to physique different now.

Building different pipeline would outgo billions and instrumentality decades to repay, which makes it an improbable concern imaginable fixed the uncertainty implicit however agelong state volition stay a staple substance during the displacement to cleanable energy.

The pipeline constraints mean that immoderate moves by governments to get much state from Queensland into the confederate states won’t capable the looming shortfalls.

Clever it is not, but that is wherefore Australia looks acceptable to import state amid an export boom.

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