‘Zero tolerance of racism’: Netball WA on vile letter sent to player

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‘Zero tolerance of racism’: Netball WA connected vile missive sent to player

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Netball WA is lasting down West Australian jock and Noongar pistillate Donnell Wallam aft she was sent a missive containing racist abuse.

The Australian Diamonds sharpshooter and 2023 Sportsperson of the Year posted the missive to her Instagram relationship connected Thursday, saying portion she was “beyond disgusted and hurt” she would ne'er halt advocating for First Nations people.

Australian Diamonds and Queensland Firebirds subordinate    Donnell Wallam says she was disgusted and wounded  by a racist missive  sent to her this week.

Australian Diamonds and Queensland Firebirds subordinate Donnell Wallam says she was disgusted and wounded by a racist missive sent to her this week.Credit: Getty

The missive from “Mary” attacked the then-Queensland Firebirds rookie for her absorption successful 2022 to wearing the Hancock Prospecting logo connected her uniform.

That absorption followed Netball Australia announcing a $15 cardinal sponsorship woody with the robust ore elephantine founded by the precocious Lang Hancock, who projected successful 1984 that immoderate Indigenous radical beryllium sterilised to “breed themselves out”.

Mary began with “I americium penning to you to explicit my sadness that your outgo the Australian Diamonds, of $15,000,000, caused by your radically influenced comments astir Gina Rinehart’s father, Lang Hancock,” she wrote.

“Mr Hancock’s comments astir serialisation of Aboriginals was disgusting and made by 1 man. However, astatine the clip his girl was not yet calved arsenic you were not yet born.

“You were influenced by the nasty activistic Aboriginal clique that hates everything Australia.”

The maltreatment continues and escalates, but this masthead has chosen not to repetition what was said.

“Mrs Reinhart generously donated millions of dollars to Australian Netball and you successful your ignorance, sent it implicit the cliff. A disgraceful behaviour, not thought out, and brought connected by the extremist Aboriginal left.”


The missive ended with a bastardised Acknowledgement of Country that paid respect to “British and European elders past and present”.

Netball WA main enforcement Simone Hansen said the assemblage supported Wallam and applauded her strength.

“No 1 should beryllium subjected to the benignant of maltreatment that Donnell has received,” Hansen said.

“We are appalled that this benignant of behaviour inactive continues successful our community, and it needs to beryllium called retired arsenic portion of a captious measurement to stopping the abuse.

“Netball WA joins Netball Australia and Netball Queensland successful having a zero tolerance of racism and each forms of idiosyncratic abuse.”

Wallam began her netball vocation successful Western Australia playing GIG WANL and besides arsenic a West Coast Fever Training Partner.

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