Brave, inspiring, crazy - the joy of managing Fela Kuti

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By Richard Hamilton, BBC World Service

Getty Images Musician Fela Kuti performs astatine  Orchestra Hall successful  Detroit, Michigan, successful  1986Getty Images

At slightest a cardinal mourners turned up for the ceremonial of Nigerian musician, and dependable of the downtrodden, Fela Kuti, his manager Rikki Stein remembers.

“The roadworthy was filled with radical arsenic acold arsenic the oculus could see,” helium says looking backmost to that August time successful Lagos successful 1997.

The King of Afrobeat, who was revered by the radical but feared by those successful charge, had died astatine 58, reportedly of complications from Aids.

But Stein believes that Fela, who had been repeatedly arrested for speaking retired against successive subject regimes, really passed distant due to the fact that of a overmuch deeper cause.

“Fela died of 1 beating excessively many. His assemblage was covered successful scars and his caput and tone had to header with 200 arrests. The strategy tin lone instrumentality truthful much,” Stein tells the BBC successful an interrogation to people the work of his memoir – successful portion astir his 15 years managing arguably Nigeria’s astir influential musician.

Throughout his agelong vocation Fela defiantly criticised those successful charge, notably a succession of subject rulers, lampooning them successful albums specified arsenic Coffin for Head of State.

His euphony had the powerfulness to drawback radical from the wrong and assistance them commencement to ideate different world.

“I was gob-smacked,” Stein, present 81, says arsenic helium talks astir archetypal coming crossed Fela’s albums successful the 1970s.

“The euphony spoke to maine successful a mode I’d ne'er encountered, exuding warmth, intimacy, excitement and a changeless feeling of anticipation. Every connection spoke straight to my interior being, vividly describing beingness nether a totalitarian regime, but I saw intelligibly however the connection could beryllium applied to immoderate country.”

It is possibly unsurprising that managing idiosyncratic with specified charisma and imaginativeness was unpredictable and hectic.

Getty Images Fela Kuti lying connected  a sofa successful  Paris successful  1986Getty Images

When successful Europe, Fela liked to person the heating cranked up high, Stein says

Their archetypal brushwood successful a edifice country successful London successful 1982, erstwhile Stein was hoping to transportation Fela instrumentality portion successful a euphony festival, hinted astatine what was to come.

“As I entered a question of aggravated vigor deed me.

“It was wintertime and highly cold. I was wearing a hat, a coat, a scarf and a sweater. Fela, I learned, ever carried further heaters erstwhile connected circuit to approximate a somesthesia that helium was utilized to.

“Fela was sitting connected a couch, dressed successful conscionable a brace of Speedos [swimming trunks]. We shook hands and helium invited maine to articulation him connected the couch.

“I commented connected the vigor and began removing immoderate layers of clothing, though I didn’t get down to my Speedos. Suddenly we some laughed, opening a relationship that endured for the remainder of his life.”

Later that twelvemonth Stein travelled to Lagos to sermon becoming Fela’s co-manager. Very aboriginal on, helium had a consciousness of however overmuch power helium had successful his location country.

Stein was stuck successful passport power portion those successful charge, down immoderate smoked glass, were idly checking the documents.

“Suddenly determination was a commotion successful the baggage hall. It was Fela Kuti, climbing implicit the carousels and heading towards us, shouting ‘Rikki!’. When helium reached me, helium gave maine a hug.

“’What are you doing, lasting there?’

I indicated the smoked-glass window. He walked implicit and clicked his fingers supra the glass. The passport appeared. ‘C’mon Rikki, let’s go’.

“Fela drove america off. He was a large operator but, man, helium drove fast, overmuch arsenic helium lived his life.”

Getty Images Fela Kuti connected  signifier    playing keyboardGetty Images

Fela was a multi-instrumentalist who commanded the stage

Over consequent years, contempt the intensity, Stein ne'er bushed of experiencing Fela performing connected signifier astatine afloat throttle.

“Fela reigned supreme.

“He was everyplace astatine once; playing keyboards, soprano oregon alto sax, the occasional drum solo, a sinuous creation from 1 broadside of the signifier to the different and past it was clip to sing, the ever-present spliff held successful his elegant fingers.

“For sheer mastery, panache, benignant and guts, cipher could oregon tin bushed this guy.”

His performances were not specified concerts they were events – nary possibly weirder than an infamous amusement successful Belsize Park, northbound London, that progressive a simulated decease and a astonishment resurrection.

In 1984 Fela was appearing connected signifier with his mystical guru, a Ghanaian antheral known arsenic Professor Hindu.

On the greeting of the London show, Stein got a telephone from the publicist who was astatine the venue.

“’The Professor is here, digging a sedate conscionable outside.’ I called Fela, asking him if helium knew why. ‘He doesn’t inquire maine wherefore I play saxophone and I don’t inquire him wherefore helium digs graves.’

“That nighttime the Professor appeared connected signifier successful a abbreviated skirt, a bib and the lampshade. His assistant, Emmanuel, joined him and sat down connected a chair.

“The prof began sharpening a immense nutrient cleaver connected a stone, past grabbed Emmanuel and began hacking distant astatine his throat. Blood flew successful each direction. The nine was successful pandemonium. A limp Emmanuel was carried extracurricular and placed successful the grave.

“Come Sunday a ample assemblage gathered astir the grave. Suddenly, the world began to determination and a manus appeared! I pulled Emmanuel out. His hands were warm.”

Rikki Stein Crowds of radical   successful  LagosRikki Stein

The size of the assemblage who turned up to his ceremonial successful Lagos was testament to Fela's wide appeal

That twelvemonth was besides erstwhile the authorities successful Nigeria had evidently had excessively overmuch of the musician’s outspokenness.

Fela and the set returned to Lagos for a interruption earlier embarking connected a US tour. Stein had fixed him a ample magnitude of currency to screen nutrient and edifice bills.

On his accomplishment successful the country, the information officials made retired that Fela had failed to state the money, which was required astatine the time.

He was detained and past appeared earlier a subject tribunal which sentenced him to 5 years successful prison.

Stein believes this was ne'er astir the money. The subject saw him arsenic a thorn successful their broadside and wanted to soundlessness him.

But it had the other effect. His apprehension caused a worldwide furore, Amnesty International declared him a captive of conscience and his euphony became much wide known with vigor stations devoting full days to his work.

A caller medium – Army Arrangement - had been recorded earlier Fela went to situation and Stein was hoping to merchandise it.

Short of cash, helium accepted a woody that the tracks would beryllium remixed with reggae drum and bass to marque it much commercially appealing.

“Someone smuggled a transcript to Fela who, mortified, said that proceeding it was worse than being successful jail,” Stein says. The remix was ne'er released.

Looking backmost astatine their clip together, Stein feels that it was chaotic and unpredictable, and yet Fela inspired him with his energy, bravery and philosophical outlook.

“People utilized to accidental to me: ‘Wow, it can’t beryllium casual managing Fela.’ I’d explicate that I ne'er had immoderate trouble with him due to the fact that we were friends. You tin accidental thing to a existent friend, truthful we ne'er had a problem.”

But successful 1997 Fela became gravely ill.

When Stein learned of his friend’s passing, helium instantly boarded a level to Lagos to articulation the mourners.

“On 11 August 1997 Fela was to beryllium laid successful authorities successful Tafawa Balewa Square.

“The household arrived astatine the morgue to cod his body. I’d brought my electrical razor and attempted to shave him and comb his hair. A large spliff was enactment successful his close manus and helium was placed successful a solid coffin and carried successful a hearse.

“He was laid to remainder successful beforehand of his house, Kalakuta, successful Ikeja connected 12 August.

“His son, Femi, played a plaintive sax solo. A gentle rainfall fell similar perfume. During those days nary transgression took spot successful Lagos.”

Moving Music: The Memoirs of Rikki Stein is published by Wordville Press

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