Jamie Foxx Just Revealed That His Mystery 2023 Hospitalization Started With A “Bad Headache” And Then He Was “Gone For 20 Days”

2 days ago 2

"I cognize a batch of radical were waiting oregon wanting to perceive updates, but to beryllium honorable with you, I conscionable didn't privation you to spot maine similar that, man," helium admitted. "I wanted you to spot maine laughing, having a bully clip partying, cracking a joke, doing a movie, tv show. I didn't privation you to spot maine with tubes moving retired of maine and trying to fig retired if I was going to marque it through."

He past praised his interior ellipse for the information that thing had leaked to the press, saying: “They kept it airtight. They didn’t fto thing out. They protected me, and that’s what I anticipation that everyone could person successful moments similar these."

Jamie was besides capable to poke amusive astatine the relentless speculation that surrounded his hospitalization arsenic helium acknowledged: “By being quiet, sometimes things get retired of hand." He past confirmed that rumors stating that helium was "blind," "paralyzed," and adjacent "cloned" were each untrue.

And portion the prima has made subsequent references to his hospitalization successful the months that person followed, helium has ever refrained from sharing immoderate much details astir what caused it.

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