US wants Boeing to plead guilty to fraud over fatal crashes, lawyers say

1 day ago 3

The U.S. Justice Department plans to suggest that Boeing plead blameworthy to fraud successful transportation with 2 deadly level crashes involving its 737 Max jetliners

ByDAVID KOENIG Associated Press

The U.S. Justice Department plans to suggest that Boeing plead blameworthy to fraud successful transportation with 2 deadly level crashes involving its 737 Max jetliners, according to 2 radical who heard national prosecutors item the connection Sunday.

Boeing volition person until the extremity of the coming week to judge oregon cull the offer, which includes the elephantine aerospace institution agreeing to an autarkic show who would oversee its compliance with anti-fraud laws, they said.

The Justice Department told relatives of immoderate of the 346 radical who died successful the 2018 and 2019 crashes astir the plea connection during a video meeting, according to Mark Lindquist, 1 of the lawyers representing families who are suing Boeing, and different idiosyncratic who heard the telephone with prosecutors.

During the meeting, household members expressed choler that prosecutors wanted to connection Boeing a accidental to plead blameworthy to a 3-year-old complaint alternatively of pursuing further charges and a trial. One said the prosecutors were gaslighting the families; different shouted astatine them for respective minutes erstwhile fixed a accidental to speak.

“We are upset. They should conscionable prosecute,” said Massachusetts nonmigratory Nadia Milleron, whose 24-year-old daughter, Samya Stumo, died successful the 2nd of 2 737 Max crashes. “They are saying we tin reason to the judge.”

Prosecutors told the families that if Boeing rejects the plea offer, the Justice Department would question a proceedings successful the matter, they said.

Boeing declined to comment.

The gathering came weeks aft prosecutors told a national justice that the American aerospace elephantine breached a January 2021 woody that had protected Boeing from transgression prosecution successful transportation with the crashes in Indonesia and in Ethiopia.

A condemnation could jeopardize Boeing’s presumption arsenic a national contractor, according to immoderate ineligible experts. The institution has ample contracts with the Pentagon and NASA.

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