After another great comeback, McRae has big names ready to come back into Pies line-up

1 week ago 7

After different large comeback, McRae has large names acceptable to travel backmost into Pies line-up


After coming backmost from 54 points down to bushed North Melbourne by 1 point, Collingwood heads to into its bye successful the apical 4 for the archetypal clip this season, with cardinal players expected to instrumentality aft the break.

Magpies’ manager Craig McRae said prima onballer Jordan DeGoey and cardinal guardant Brody Mihocek would instrumentality for the clash against Gold Coast successful circular 16, portion Scott Pendlebury would astir apt beryllium disposable the pursuing week.

Collingwood came backmost  from 54 points down   to bushed  North Melbourne with Bobby Hill the matchwinner.

Collingwood came backmost from 54 points down to bushed North Melbourne with Bobby Hill the matchwinner.Credit: Paul Rovere

It has enactment the Magpies successful a beardown presumption to contend for a back-to-back premiership aft they mislaid the archetypal 3 matches of the play past battled done a six-game agelong wherever wounded decimated the team, leaving conscionable 11 of past year’s premiership players connected the tract against the Kangaroos connected Sunday. They were extracurricular the apical 8 heading into the King’s Birthday clash with Melbourne, but tin present marque their ain luck successful a topsy-turvy season.

“We person got a bye present to reset. I mentioned to the boys it’s not a afloat stop; it’s a comma. We tin instrumentality a enactment ... we person had a truly pugnacious agelong here, the past 5 oregon six games we are warring hard and the magnets don’t look the same, and we are throwing guys around,” McRae said.

“We person recovered a mode and mislaid 1 crippled successful that period, which, ideally, stands america successful bully stead.”

That they bushed North Melbourne was thing of a occurrence arsenic they trailed by 54 points aboriginal successful the 3rd 4th and 31 points astatine the last break.

Brayden Maynard chaired disconnected  successful  his 200th crippled  aft  Collingwood manager  Craig McRae implored his teammates astatine  the last  interruption  to assistance   successful  honour of the defender.

Brayden Maynard chaired disconnected successful his 200th crippled aft Collingwood manager Craig McRae implored his teammates astatine the last interruption to assistance successful honour of the defender. Credit: Getty Images

But they kept coming, with precocious midfielder Nick Daicos producing 10 decisive possessions successful the last term, portion Bobby Hill kicked 3 of his 5 goals aft taking a people of the twelvemonth contender successful the 2nd quarter.

Daicos had been good held by North Melbourne’s Will Phillips – the precocious replacement for the injured Jy Simpkin – but Kangaroos’ manager Alastair Clarkson decided to sub Phillips retired of the crippled truthful that Jaidyn Stephenson could travel on, with the tagging occupation handed to seasoned Liam Shiels. Daicos made the astir of the opportunity.

Clarkson defended his decision, but admitted that, fixed the effect didn’t onshore his way, questions would beryllium asked.

“We had the freshness of the sub, and Will was starting to fatigue a bit, and we conscionable thought the freshness of the sub [and] Liam Shiels going to decorativeness that occupation off,” Clarkson said.

“When you don’t triumph and you past accidental ‘oh, geez was that pivotal?’ I don’t deliberation it was pivotal successful presumption of the last effect ... you instrumentality immoderate punts sometimes.

“Hindsight is simply a fantastic thing, and sometimes you marque the close decision, and sometimes it doesn’t enactment for you.”

In the end, the borderline was a azygous constituent aft a drawback from North’s Zac Fisher drifted wide with little than 30 seconds remaining.

They were besides unlucky not to person a 50-metre punishment straight successful beforehand of extremity earlier successful the last infinitesimal erstwhile Bailey Scott was paid a people and Collingwood players charged implicit the mark.

Clarkson refused to sermon the umpire’s non-decision erstwhile asked astir it post-match.

In a bully motion for the Kangaroos, Collingwood defender Jeremy Howe said the unit North Melbourne applied was the fiercest the Magpies had faced each season. He said it was evidently bully to win, but the Magpies would not triumph galore games if they continued to let opponents to unfastened up nine-goal margins connected them.

Howe, who moved guardant successful the 2nd fractional and enactment the Magpies successful the pb with his 100th vocation goal, described the archetypal fractional arsenic disappointing.

“[At half-time] ‘Fly’ (McRae) utilized the connection disappointing, and I don’t reckon I person ever heard him accidental that,” Howe said. “That chopped beauteous heavy for the playing group, truthful it was similar ‘get to enactment successful the 2nd half’.”

McRae besides praised North Melbourne, with second-year subordinate George Wardlaw the ascendant subordinate connected the crushed successful the archetypal fractional and Luke Davies-Uniacke and Nick Larkey winning their positions.

“That was a struggle, that truly was a struggle,” McRae said. “Their midfield was exceptional, their enactment rate, their vigor ... determination is simply a batch of excitement I’m definite for North retired of today.”


There is besides plentifulness of excitement astatine the Magpies. Howe, sporting a swollen nose, admitted the bye had travel astatine a bully clip for the club.

“The enactment dilemma volition come, but the bye comes astatine a bully time, not lone for the guys who person been getting opportunities and been truly influential successful what they are doing, but a week disconnected volition beryllium nice,” Howe said.

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