May ‘embarrassed’ by staging but criticism ‘has been a bit much’, says Goodwin

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May ‘embarrassed’ by staging but disapproval ‘has been a spot much’, says Goodwin

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By Oliver Caffrey

June 25, 2024 — 4.14pm

Steven May is “embarrassed” aft being fined for staging but Melbourne manager Simon Goodwin says immoderate of the nationalist chatter astir the Demon’s antics “has been a spot much”.

May starred successful the Demons’ tense triumph implicit North Melbourne connected Saturday night, but helium came nether occurrence implicit a third-quarter incidental involving Kangaroos guardant Eddie Ford.

The dual All-Australian was spun astir much than 360 degrees successful a tackle earlier going to ground, with May past pushing his ain caput into the turf and grabbed it arsenic if helium had been hurt.

AFL lucifer reappraisal serviceman Michael Christian connected Sunday pinged May for staging – a $1250 with good an aboriginal plea, oregon hazard copping a $1875 punishment if helium challenges it.

Goodwin admitted helium had spoken with May astir the incident.

“I don’t deliberation he’s the archetypal subordinate to ever effort and get a escaped footwear fixed to him, truthful intelligibly he’s a spot embarrassed by the concern but I deliberation immoderate of the speech has been a spot much,” helium told reporters connected Tuesday.

Was Steven May blameworthy  of staging against the Kangaroos?

Was Steven May blameworthy of staging against the Kangaroos?Credit: Fox Footy

“If you cognize Steven’s quality and his competitiveness ... helium plays the crippled to the highest level, and I deliberation 1 of the things that’s been missed from the play is his crippled connected (star Kangaroos forward) Nick Larkey.

“Clearly, Steve was trying to get immoderate hold successful the crippled and a escaped kick.

“Clearly, it’s an embarrassing concern erstwhile it gets called retired for staging successful the nationalist forum.

“When you get called retired (and person a fine) similar this, you’re astir apt not going to bash it (again).”

May could beryllium re-joined successful the Melbourne defence by Jake Lever, who has missed the past 5 weeks owed to a concussion and a genu injury, for Friday night’s clash with the rejuvenated Brisbane Lions astatine the Gabba.

“He’s done each the lucifer loads the past fewer weeks and he’s done each the grooming possible, truthful it’s conscionable getting done (Tuesday’s training) league and he’ll beryllium connected the level up to Brisbane,” Goodwin said.

“It’s going to beryllium large to get 1 of our leaders backmost – he’s a truly important subordinate to america and evidently helps the backmost fractional of the ground.”

Goodwin expected Christian Salem to instrumentality connected the Lions contempt the defender being subbed retired with a genu contented against North.


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