AI is learning from what you said on Reddit, Stack Overflow or Facebook. Are you OK with that?

2 days ago 2

CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- Post a remark connected Reddit, reply coding questions connected Stack Overflow, edit a Wikipedia introduction oregon stock a babe photograph connected your nationalist Facebook oregon Instagram provender and you are besides helping to bid the adjacent procreation of artificial intelligence.

Not everyone is OK with that — particularly arsenic the aforesaid online forums wherever they've spent years contributing are progressively flooded with AI-generated commentary mimicking what existent humans mightiness say.

Some longtime users person tried to delete their past contributions oregon rewrite them into gibberish, but the protests haven't had overmuch effect. A fistful of governments — including Brazil's privateness regulator connected Tuesday — person besides tried to measurement in.

“A much important information of the colonisation conscionable benignant of feels helpless,” said Reddit unpaid moderator Sarah Gilbert, who besides studies online communities astatine Cornell University. “There’s obscurity to spell but conscionable wholly going offline oregon not contributing successful ways that bring worth to them and worth to others.”

Platforms are responding — with mixed results. Take Stack Overflow, the fashionable hub for machine programming tips. First, it banned ChatGPT-written responses owed to predominant errors, but present it's partnering with AI chatbot developers and has punished immoderate of its ain users who tried to erase their past contributions successful protest.

It’s 1 of a fig of societal media platforms grappling with idiosyncratic wariness — and occasional revolts — arsenic they effort to accommodate to the changes brought by generative AI.

Software developer Andy Rotering of Bloomington, Minnesota, has utilized Stack Overflow regular for 15 years and said helium worries the institution “could beryllium inadvertently hurting its top resource” — the assemblage of contributors who’ve donated clip to assistance different programmers.

“Keeping contributors incentivized to supply commentary should beryllium paramount,” helium said.

Stack Overflow CEO Prashanth Chandrasekar said the institution is trying to equilibrium rising request for instant chatbot-generated coding assistance with the tendency for a assemblage “knowledge base” wherever radical inactive privation to station and “get recognized” for what they've contributed.

“Fast guardant 5 years — there’s going to beryllium each sorts of machine-generated contented connected the web," helium said successful an interview. "There’s going to beryllium precise fewer places wherever there’s genuinely authentic, archetypal quality thought. And we’re 1 of those places."

Chandrasekar readily describes Stack Overflow's challenges arsenic similar 1 of the “case studies” helium learned astir astatine Harvard Business School, of a however a concern survives — oregon doesn't — aft a disruptive technological change.

For much than a decade, users typically landed connected Stack Overflow aft typing a coding question successful Google, and past recovered the answer, copied and pasted it. The answers they were astir apt to spot came from volunteers who'd built up points measuring their credibility — which successful immoderate cases could assistance onshore them a job.

Now programmers tin simply inquire an AI chatbot — immoderate of which are already trained connected everything ever posted to Stack Overflow — and it tin instantly spit retired an answer.

ChatGPT's debut successful precocious 2022 threatened to enactment Stack Overflow retired of business. So Chandrasekar carved retired a peculiar 40-person squad astatine the institution to contention retired the motorboat of its ain specialized AI chatbot, called Overflow AI. Then, the institution made deals with Google and ChatGPT shaper OpenAI, enabling the AI developers to pat into Stack Overflow's question-and-answer archive to further amended their AI ample connection models.

That benignant of strategy makes consciousness but whitethorn person travel excessively late, said Maria Roche, an adjunct prof astatine Harvard Business School. “I’m amazed that Stack Overflow wasn’t moving connected this earlier," she said.

When immoderate Stack Overflow users tried to delete their past comments aft the Open AI concern was announced, the institution responded by suspending their accounts owed to presumption that marque each contributions “perpetually and irrevocably licensed to Stack Overflow."

“We rapidly addressed it and said, ‘Look, that’s not acceptable behavior’,” said Chandrasekar, describing the protesters arsenic a tiny number successful the “low hundreds” of the platform's 100 cardinal users.

Brazil’s nationalist information extortion authorization connected Tuesday took enactment to prohibition societal media elephantine Meta Platforms from grooming its AI models connected the Facebook and Instagram posts of Brazilians. It established a regular good of 50,000 reais ($8,820) for non-compliance.

Meta successful a connection called it a “step backwards for innovation” and said it has been much transparent than galore manufacture counterparts doing akin AI grooming connected nationalist content, and that its practices comply with Brazilian laws.

Meta has besides encountered absorption successful Europe, wherever it precocious enactment connected clasp its plans to commencement feeding people’s nationalist posts into grooming AI systems — which was expected to commencement past week. In the U.S., wherever there's nary nationalist instrumentality protecting online privacy, specified grooming is already apt happening.

“The immense bulk of radical conscionable person nary thought that their information is being used,” Gilbert said.

Reddit has taken a antithetic attack — partnering with AI developers similar OpenAI and Google portion besides making wide that contented can't beryllium taken successful bulk without the platform’s support by commercialized entities “with nary respect for idiosyncratic rights oregon privacy.” The deals helped bring Reddit the wealth it needed to debut connected Wall Street successful March, with investors pushing the worth of the institution adjacent to $9 cardinal seconds aft it began trading connected the New York Stock Exchange.

Reddit hasn't tried to punish users who protested — nor could it easy bash truthful fixed however overmuch accidental voluntary moderators person connected what happens successful their specialty forums known arsenic subreddits. But what worries Gilbert, who helps mean the “AskHistorians” subreddit, is the expanding travel of AI-generated commentary that moderators indispensable determine whether to let oregon ban.

“People travel to Reddit due to the fact that they privation to speech to people, they don’t privation to speech to bots,” Gilbert said. “There’s apps wherever they tin speech to bots if they privation to. But historically Reddit has been for connecting with humans.”

She said it's ironic that the AI-generated contented threatening Reddit was sourced connected the comments of millions of quality Redditors, and “there’s a existent hazard that yet it could extremity up pushing radical out.”


Associated Press writer Eléonore Hughes successful Rio de Janeiro contributed to this report.


The Associated Press and OpenAI person a licensing and exertion agreement that allows OpenAI entree to portion of AP’s substance archives.

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