De Minaur wins Dutch grasscourt title to hit a new high ahead of Wimbledon

1 week ago 5

Alex de Minaur has started his grasscourt play successful style, capturing his ninth ATP rubric up of Wimbledon and catapulting to a career-high satellite ranking of No.7.

Fresh from upsetting Daniil Medvedev on his mode to the Roland-Garros quarter-finals, de Minaur wasted nary clip switching from the clay to his much preferred writer astatine the Libema Open successful the Dutch metropolis of ’s-Hertogenbosch.

The results were spectacular, with the in-form Australian capping different awesome week with a 6-2, 6-4 last decision of American endowment Seb Korda, the lad of 1998 Australian Open champion Petr and member of prima golfers Nelly and Jessica.

De Minaur clinched the rubric connected his 4th title point, 2 games aft his archetypal 2 opportunities, having besides failed to service the lucifer retired a crippled earlier – and with rainfall starting to tumble.

A relieved de Minaur said helium was thrilled to triumph his maiden grasscourt title, lone weeks retired from Wimbledon, wherever helium volition beryllium 1 of the favourites to marque a heavy run.

“Obviously, it was a large match, [with] tricky conditions,” helium said.

Alex de Minaur has started the grasscourt play   successful  benignant   aft  a tally  to the quarter-finals astatine  the French Open (pictured).

Alex de Minaur has started the grasscourt play successful benignant aft a tally to the quarter-finals astatine the French Open (pictured).Credit: Getty Images

“Seb is simply a hellhole of a player, and I’m looking guardant to playing doubles with him adjacent week astatine Queen’s. I’m ace blessed with the win, it’s been great, and blessed days.

“It achieves a caller vocation precocious for me, truthful that’s ever a large small bonus and [my] archetypal week connected writer couldn’t person gone immoderate better, truthful I’m looking guardant to adjacent week successful Queen’s, and the full grasscourt play with a grin connected my face.

“I’m gladsome I was capable to get a triumph present successful Holland.”


De Minaur did not driblet a acceptable each tournament, with Milos Raonic and Ugo Humbert among his different high-quality scalps.

His assertive mindset repeatedly placed Korda nether pressure, portion helium terrorised the exasperated American with his stout defence and a bid of lobs that Lleyton Hewitt would person been arrogant of.

De Minaur’s Roland-Garros show propelled him backmost wrong the apical 10 to No.9, but the ’s-Hertogenbosch rubric volition spot him leapfrog Hubert Hurkacz and Casper Ruud to ascent different 2 spots.

To enactment that into perspective, dual expansive slam finalist Mark Philippoussis’ champion ranking was No.8, with lone Hewitt and Pat Rafter ranked higher than him among Australians connected the men’s broadside this century.

De Minaur volition request different beardown week astatine the Queen’s Club Championships to stay astatine his caller ranking, fixed helium mislaid the last to Spaniard Carlos Alcaraz past year, but helium is successful a large presumption to gain a top-eight seeding astatine Wimbledon, which starts connected July 1.

He is making a wont of going heavy astatine astir each tourney helium plays, with this occurrence pursuing back-to-back triumphs astatine Acapulco successful February.

De Minaur besides reached the last successful Rotterdam and the quarter-finals successful Monte-Carlo successful what is shaping arsenic a connection twelvemonth connected tour. He is ranked sixth successful the Race to Turin, wherever the 8 best-performed men volition vie successful the end-of-year Tour Finals.

The Sydneysider seemed headed for an adjacent earlier decorativeness erstwhile helium stormed to a acceptable and 2-0 pb connected the backmost of six consecutive games earlier Korda broke him backmost against the travel to endanger to marque a contention of the final.

But the sweet-striking Korda struggled successful astir of his work games and that proved his downfall against de Minaur, 1 of the tour’s large returners.

The satellite No.26 dropped service 5 times and won lone 55 per cent of first-serve points, and doubly had to stave disconnected title points astatine 5-2 down successful the 2nd set.

Korda hung connected and continued to fight, with a thunderous forehand stopping de Minaur from serving the lucifer retired and presenting him the accidental to necktie the 2nd acceptable astatine five-all.

He took a aesculapian time-out for a blister past won his archetypal constituent backmost connected tribunal with a ’tweener, but helium was soon successful occupation again – and this clip de Minaur converted his opportunity.

De Minaur is the No.2 effect down Alcaraz astatine Queen’s, with Italy’s Lorenzo Musetti his first-round foe. Countryman Jordan Thompson faces No.7 effect Holger Rune successful his opener.

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