Teachers slam their own union over ‘outrageous’ phonics stance

2 days ago 4

Teachers are threatening to rip up their memberships of the almighty acquisition national aft it opposed the Victorian government’s mandated displacement to structured phonics successful nationalist schools.

The Australian Education Union’s (AEU) fiery connection this period – attacking the roll-out of synthetic phonics to thatch speechmaking to each prep to people 2 students – was described by 1 schoolroom nonrecreational arsenic “scandalous and outrageous”.

The Australian Education Union president   Meredith Peace.

The Australian Education Union president Meredith Peace.

The national accused Deputy Premier and Education Minister Ben Carroll of lacking respect for the assemblage and of not knowing the existent program and pedagogy. The main ailment from the AEU, which represents much than 50,000 teachers, principals and enactment unit crossed the state, is that the authorities failed to consult the assemblage earlier its large announcement this month.

Among those captious of the AEU contacted by The Age was superior schoolhouse teacher Brad Nguyen, who said the AEU itself was blameworthy of not consulting its ain rank connected the hot-button phonics issue.

“What they [the union] meant was determination was nary consultation [from the government] with them, they besides request to cognize however moving teachers feel,” Nguyen said.


He said that though helium would clasp his membership, helium wanted the national to person amended systems successful spot to code teachers’ views connected nonrecreational issues.

“The national should beryllium advocating for clarity, the backing indispensable for changes to beryllium done good and to guarantee capable resources were successful spot for schools to supply a prime speechmaking education,” Nguyen added.

Another teacher described the union’s presumption arsenic “unproductive”. “I cognize galore folks successful the literacy assemblage who were appalled and horrified [by the AEU statement],” registered teacher Jackie Nieuwenhuizen told The Age.

Nieuwenhuizen, a literacy enactment pb astatine a secondary school, formerly worked arsenic a literacy specializer successful backstage practice.

“It’s scandalous and outrageous for the national to actively artifact thing which is going to amended the lives of virtually thousands of students and teachers,” she said. “It conscionable beggars belief.”

Primary schoolhouse teacher James Dobson said much members were considering leaving the AEU aft the national downplayed the value of the phonics betterment portion a 4th of Victorian students, according to Dobson, were not proficient readers.

“The national needs to marque definite that it is representing its members; different it volition find that it has less members,” Dobson said.

The AEU would not accidental connected Tuesday however galore members had discontinue oregon complained arsenic a effect of the statement, but Victorian president Meredith Peace maintained her stance that the acquisition curate should person consulted teachers.

“Teachers are qualified, experienced professionals who person a close to beryllium consulted astir acquisition matters, similar each professions would expect,” Peace told The Age.

The national said the state’s nationalist schoolhouse students led the federation successful twelvemonth 3 speechmaking – an result it argued would beryllium “impossible” if teachers weren’t utilizing each skills required to go proficient readers.

Dobson said the national was continuing to statement a taxable erstwhile probe grounds supporting the phonics method was “pretty one-sided”. “It was truly discouraging, and really benignant of hurtful to the enactment myself and truthful galore different educators person done successful this area,” helium said of the statement.

“An overwhelming bulk of teachers privation to bash what volition champion service their students and are consenting to accommodate their signifier to conscionable the needs of our students and beryllium responsive to those ... but we request to marque definite that we get the implementation of it right.”


Another authorities schoolhouse teacher, Kath Holford, said successful an online unfastened missive that she was appalled astatine the national effect to the mandate.

“You person not consulted members earlier taking contiguous absorption to the determination that volition spot a immense fig of disadvantaged students fixed the accidental to larn to read, lifting their aboriginal beingness prospects from 1 of insecurity successful pay, lodging and surviving standards,” she wrote.

She lashed the union’s “relentless attacks” against an improved acquisition system, the nonaccomplishment to correspond teachers and “shortsightedness successful presumption of technological evidence”.

Carroll announced astatine The Age’s Schools Summit connected June 13 that each authorities schools would employment the explicit teaching exemplary from adjacent year, with Victoria among the past of the states and territories to follow the change.

Schools that person not moved towards the exemplary by 2025 volition beryllium expected to amusement readying for the alteration implicit the adjacent 3 years.

How does Victoria compare?

  • Victoria volition instrumentality a caller teaching and learning exemplary with explicit teaching astatine its halfway from 2025. All students from prep to people 2 volition beryllium taught utilizing a systematic synthetic phonics approach, with a minimum 25 minutes’ regular explicit teaching of phonics and phonemic awareness.
  • South Australia introduced its Literacy Guarantee successful 2018. All authorities schools are required to usage the twelvemonth 1 phonics screening check. SA besides employs astir 30 literacy coaches to enactment with schools to physique teachers’ expertise successful speechmaking instruction.
  • New South Wales mandated the twelvemonth 1 phonics screening cheque for nationalist schools successful 2021. It besides funds ‘decodable’ books for each instauration students. It discontinued backing for speechmaking programs that were not effectual and updated the NSW syllabus this twelvemonth to align with the evidence.
  • Tasmania committed to a ‘minimum guarantee’ past twelvemonth that each Tasmanian superior schoolhouse volition thatch speechmaking according to the grounds by 2026. Tasmania volition besides rotation retired the twelvemonth 1 phonics screening check.
  • Western Australia has provided schools with a database of recommended phonics programs and assessments.
  • The ACT Literacy and Numeracy Education Expert Panel’s last report, released successful April this year, recommended system-wide reforms to instrumentality a structured literacy attack successful ACT classrooms. The curate has accepted these recommendations successful rule and is present designing a four-year implementation program to statesman successful 2025.

Source: Grattan Institute

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