Fetterman cites own 'difficult' debate in arguing Biden can still win, slams Democrats 'defecting' to Trump

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Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., cited his ain "difficult" statement show successful 2022 against Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz portion arguing Sunday that President Biden tin inactive triumph successful November and "deserves" a 2nd term. 

In an quality connected "Fox News Sunday," Fetterman dismissed the New York Times, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and a fig of left-leaning pundits calling connected Biden to driblet retired of the race. 

"There's nary worth in, successful immoderate of those things. I mean, determination was that aforesaid kind of a freak out aft my debate. And successful fact, I mightiness adjacent accidental that I had a much hard evening than the president did," Fetterman told big Shannon Bream. "And present I americium close now, having this conversation. And I truly similar to punctual to everybody watching that close now, Biden is 1 and Trump is inactive zero, and he's the lone idiosyncratic that's ever beaten Trump. And I truly judge that Joe Biden volition bash that again, contempt each of the Democrats wetting the furniture implicit that benignant of thing." 

Bream noted that Fetterman was recovering from a changeable astatine the clip of his debate, and has improved implicit time, portion voters are much acrophobic astir 81-year-old Biden due to the fact that of his precocious age.


Fetterman wears a sweatshirt successful  the Capitol

Sen. John Fetterman speaks to a newsman arsenic helium leaves the Senate enclosure aft a ballot successful the U.S. Capitol connected June 4, 2024. (Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

"We had a hard debate, and yet we inactive managed to spell connected to win," Fetterman said. "Now everybody was calling that… the extremity of my career. That was the extremity of this race. And everyone was predicting that I was going to suffer really by 2 points oregon more. And I smoked Oz by 5 points. And that's wherefore I'm saying it's similar 1 debate. It's not a vocation immoderate much than Donald Trump's… convictions for felonies aren't truly going to define, you know, his estimation and his presidency. And that's wherefore they're some present again."

Trump was convicted of 34 counts successful the Manhattan hush wealth proceedings and is awaiting sentencing conscionable days earlier the Republican National Convention. 

In a station connected X pursuing the CNN Presidential Debate connected Thursday, Fetterman urged panicked Democrats to "chill the f--- out" astir Biden’s wide panned show due to the fact that helium is surviving impervious "a unsmooth debate" doesn’t disqualify a governmental candidate. 

Biden connected  statement   stage

President Biden during the archetypal statesmanlike statement of this predetermination rhythm successful Atlanta connected Thursday, June 27, 2024. (Eva Marie Uzcategui/Bloomberg via Getty Images)


Fetterman suffered a changeable successful May 2022, causing wide auditory processing issues that impacted his speaking abilities successful the months starring up to Election Day that November. Despite a jarring statement show that near galore Americans questioning his fittingness for office, Fetterman inactive defeated the erstwhile daytime TV big known arsenic Dr. Oz, the Republican successful the Pennsylvania Senate race.

On Sunday, Fetterman further argued that Biden "deserves" a 2nd term, citing his economical record and betterment from the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Trump and Biden connected  statement   stage

President Biden and erstwhile President Trump during the archetypal statesmanlike statement successful Atlanta connected Thursday, June 27, 2024. (Eva Marie Uzcategui/Bloomberg via Getty Images)

"I've watched him for the past 4 years and he's done incredibly bully things. I mean, helium got america done that pandemic, that pandemic, that implicit a cardinal Americans mislaid their lives done that. And look astatine our economy. Ours is the world's envy," helium said. "And look astatine the banal market. Look astatine each these different kinds of metrics. People were calling that it was going to beryllium a recession. And present we are now, booming and each of those kinds of things. So the president has done a truly bully occupation and helium deserves a 2nd term. But I truly bash privation to beryllium clear, it's going to beryllium precise close."


According to a Fox News canvass conducted April 11-16, registered voters successful Pennsylvania gave Trump wide margins implicit Biden regarding who they trusted to champion grip the economy, overseas argumentation and the border.   

"The lone canvass that's truly going to substance is Election Day," Fetterman said. "And the polls changed and they inverted successful my contention arsenic well. And present I americium arsenic a United States senator. And I conscionable got backmost from Israel conscionable a mates days ago. And that's wherefore I privation to punctual everybody that 1 statement does not specify a person's grounds oregon the benignant of idiosyncratic oregon the situation." 

Fox News' Brian Flood contributed to this report.

Danielle Wallace is simply a newsman for Fox News Digital covering politics, crime, constabulary and more. Story tips tin beryllium sent to danielle.wallace@fox.com and connected Twitter: @danimwallace. 

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