Biden campaign spotlights massive June fundraising haul in 2024 election rematch with Trump

2 days ago 1

President Biden's 2024 re-election run and the Democratic National Committee combined brought successful implicit a 4th of a cardinal dollars successful fundraising the past 3 months, Biden's squad announced aboriginal Tuesday.

And the campaign, successful showcasing the $264 cardinal raked successful during the April-June 2nd 4th of 2024 fundraising, noted that it pulled successful $127 cardinal successful June alone, which it touted was the president's champion period of fundraising since helium launched his re-election bid implicit a twelvemonth ago.

The announcement comes arsenic the Biden run tries to flip the publication connected a antagonistic communicative coming retired of past week's archetypal statement with former President Trump.

Biden's June fundraising was up from the astir $85 cardinal the run and the DNC brought successful during May. And the run spotlighted that their 2nd 4th haul was $75 cardinal much than they brought successful during the archetypal 3 months of the year.


President Biden sets a fundraising grounds   successful  June, successful  his 2024 predetermination  rematch with erstwhile  President Trump

President Joe Biden reacts aft speaking astatine a run rally successful Raleigh, N.C., Friday, June. 28, 2024. (AP Photo/Matt Kelley) (AP Photo/Matt Kelley)

They besides touted that they had a whopping $240 cardinal cash-on-hand arsenic of the extremity of June, up from $212 cardinal a period earlier.

A sizable chunk of June's haul was raked successful astatine a star-studded fundraiser successful Los Angeles with erstwhile President Obama, Hollywood heavyweights George Clooney and Julia Roberts, and precocious nighttime TV speech amusement big Jimmy Kimmel. The run said aft the lawsuit that it acceptable a caller Democratic Party fundraising grounds with a $30 cardinal haul. 


The president besides brought successful implicit $8 cardinal a fewer days aboriginal at a fundraiser astatine the Northern Virginia location of erstwhile Gov. Terry McAuliffe, wherever Biden was besides joined by erstwhile President Bill Clinton and erstwhile Secretary of State and erstwhile Sen. Hillary Clinton, who was the Democrats' 2016 standard-bearer.

But boosting the June fundraising to higher heights was the $33 cardinal the run says was raised past Thursday done Saturday, the time of the archetypal statesmanlike statement and the pursuing 2 days. And the Biden run showcased that their azygous champion hr of fundraising this rhythm came during the 11pm to midnight eastbound hr connected Thursday, instantly aft the extremity of the statement with Trump successful Atlanta, Georgia.

trump and biden

President Joe Biden (right) and erstwhile President Donald Trump enactment successful their archetypal of 2 2024 wide predetermination debates, connected June 27, 2024 successful Atlanta, Georgia. (Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)

The Biden run has been spotlighting its pre- and post-debate fundraising arsenic it aims to change the brutal speech coming retired of past week's showdown. This, aft the 81-year-old president's halting transportation and stumbling answers at the debate sparked wide panic successful the Democratic Party and spurred calls from governmental pundits, editorial writers, and immoderate enactment politicians and donors, for Biden to measurement speech arsenic the party's 2024 nominee.

The run besides showcased its grassroots appeal, noting that astir two-thirds of June's haul came from small-dollar donors and that much than $30 cardinal of the $38 cardinal raised during the last fewer days of the period came from grassroots contributors.

"Our Q2 fundraising haul is simply a testament to the committed and increasing basal of supporters lasting firmly down the President and Vice President and wide grounds that our voters recognize the prime successful this predetermination betwixt President Biden warring for the American radical and Donald Trump warring for himself arsenic a convicted felon," Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez said successful a statement.

President Biden and archetypal  woman  Jill Biden successful  Raleigh, NC

President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden locomotion disconnected the signifier aft a run lawsuit successful Raleigh, North Carolina, connected June 28, 2024. (MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

DNC seat Jaime Harrison noted that "grassroots donors crossed the state are chipping successful each time due to the fact that they cognize that this predetermination volition find the people of history."

In announcing their May fundraising figures, the Biden run waited until June 20, the last time the statesmanlike campaigns had to record their monthly fundraising figures with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

But erstwhile it came to announcing their June and 2nd 4th figures, the Biden run wasted nary clip successful showcasing their numbers, announcing them conscionable 2 days aft the fundraising play ended.


Biden and the DNC enjoyed a ample fundraising pb implicit Trump and the Republican National Committee earlier this year. But Trump and the RNC topped Biden and the DNC successful fundraising for the archetypal clip successful April.

And successful May, the Trump run and the RNC, fueled successful portion by a fundraising surge pursuing the erstwhile president's history-making blameworthy verdicts successful his transgression trial, combined hauled successful a stunning $141 million, easy besting Biden and the DNC.


Former President Donald Trump walks offstage aft giving remarks astatine a rally astatine Greenbrier Farms connected June 28, 2024, successful Chesapeake, Virginia.  (Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

The Trump run has until aboriginal this period to record its fundraising figures with the FEC and has yet to denote its June and 2nd 4th hauls.

Fundraising, on with nationalist sentiment polling, is simply a cardinal metric utilized to measurement the spot of a campaigner and their campaign. Money raised tin beryllium utilized to physique up grassroots outreach and get-out-the-vote operations, staffing, question and ads, among different things.

The Biden run has been utilizing its funds to physique up what appears to beryllium a precise formidable crushed cognition successful the cardinal battleground states and announced 2 weeks agone that they had hired their 1,000th staffer and had opened implicit 200 coordinated offices successful the plaything states. The Biden run enjoys a ample organizational vantage implicit the Trump run erstwhile it comes to grassroots outreach and get-out-the-vote crushed crippled efforts successful the states that volition apt determine the result of the predetermination rematch.

"Team Biden-Harris grew its historical warfare thorax portion besides importantly expanding its footprint and operations some successful HQ and crossed the cardinal states – the resources needed to triumph a adjacent election," the run highlighted successful a release.

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Paul Steinhauser is simply a authorities newsman based successful New Hampshire. 

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