Fineotex Chemical share price: Nirmal Bang sees 25% upside in long-term. Should you buy?

2 days ago 3

  • Fineotex Chemical stock price: The chemic institution has delivered steadfast financials implicit the past fewer years contempt macro challenges that impacted wide chemic manufacture financials

Fineotex Chemical received support  for fundraising done  an contented   of stock  warrants and equity shares worthy   <span class='webrupee'>₹</span>218 crore. Fineotex Chemical received support for fundraising done an contented of stock warrants and equity shares worthy ₹218 crore. (Photo: Pixabay)

Stocks to bargain today: Fineotex Chemical stock terms has been connected an uptrend aft ushering successful June 2024. The chemic banal bottomed retired astatine 325 to 330 zone, and since then, the banal has been rising continuously, delivering astir a 12 percent instrumentality successful 1 month. However, Nirmal Bang sees much upside successful the script. The brokerage believes that the company's fundraising determination worthy 218 crore is expected to boost the company's fundamentals, arsenic the wealth generated would beryllium utilized for the company's expansion. The brokerage said that Fineotex Chemical stock terms mightiness interaction 483 successful the agelong term. As the banal is trading astir 390, the brokerage expects a 25 percent upside successful the chemic stock.

Fineotex Chemical stock terms outlook

Regarding the valuations of Fineotex Chemical shares, the Nirmal Bang study said, “Fineotex has delivered steadfast financials implicit the past fewer years contempt macro challenges that impacted wide chemic manufacture financials. In FY24, it delivered steadfast measurement maturation of ~25%, wherever capableness utilization stood astatine astir 72%. At the aforesaid time, the manufacture has witnessed an interaction connected volumes chiefly owed to subdued request from planetary markets. International gross publication maintained astatine 22% of FY24 revenue. Fineotex Chemical received support for fundraising done an contented of stock warrants and equity shares worthy 218 crore to money the company's concern enlargement done organic/inorganic maturation and moving superior requirements. The aforesaid is projected astatine an contented terms of Rs. 387.4 each per unit, which gives a affirmative indication. Overall, the institution is expected to dilute 11.6% of its equity successful the future.”

Peer comparison

"In presumption of topline maturation betwixt FY20-24, Fineotex has grown up of galore starring players. The precocious gross maturation of Rossari Biotech is owed to inorganic growth. It has besides outperformed successful profitability, with a 26.1% EBITDA borderline successful FY24 compared to 14.9% of the mean adjacent performance. Additionally, it has delivered steadfast instrumentality ratios erstwhile compared with its peers. Despite its steadfast fiscal performance, Fineotex is valued astatine a akin valuation compared to its peers. We expect a re-rating of the banal due to the fact that of its beardown maturation drivers," the brokerage said.

Fineotex Chemical stock terms target

On a proposition to investors regarding Fineotex Chemical shares, Nirmal Bang's study said, 'We person modelled topline maturation astatine 20% CAGR betwixt FY24-26E with operating margins successful the scope of 27-28%. Based connected this, the banal is presently trading astatine 29x / 24x to FY25E / FY26E EPS. We delegate 30x to FY26E EPS to get astatine a people of Rs. 483/share with an upside of 26% implicit the CMP."'

Disclaimer: The views and recommendations supra are those of idiosyncratic analysts, experts, and broking companies, not of Mint. We counsel investors to cheque with certified experts earlier making immoderate concern decisions.

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HomeMarketsStock MarketsFineotex Chemical stock price: Nirmal Bang sees 25% upside successful long-term. Should you buy?

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