Five years on from his stroke, a Maroons great reveals he is still fighting

1 week ago 12

Matt Scott inactive does not similar to speech astir it. Even sharing the communicative of however his beingness wholly changed leaves him feeling embarrassed.

“It’s admitting a weakness,” the Queensland Maroons large tells this masthead.

“But you’ve got to recognize it’s not anemic to inquire for help.”

Matt Scott’s NRL vocation  ended prematurely aft  suffering a stroke.

Matt Scott’s NRL vocation ended prematurely aft suffering a stroke.Credit: NRL Photos

Scott volition spell down arsenic 1 of the much formidable props of the NRL era, his 15-year reign astatine the North Queensland Cowboys culminating successful 22 State of Origin appearances.

But adjacent aft recovering from a dislocated enarthrosis successful 2019, an wounded which proved the catalyst for his retirement, the 2015 premiership-winner did not person a fairytale ending.

A decision successful Newcastle was followed by immoderate post-game beers. The adjacent morning, Scott felt thing was wrong.

“When they said the connection ‘stroke’, I was truly surprised,” Scott recalled.

“I really thought I was hungover to commencement with. I was truly nauseous, and I didn’t consciousness bully astatine all, which I thought was unusual due to the fact that I didn’t person overmuch to drink.

“I went for a aquatics and came backmost and started packing my bags to leave, and I couldn’t halt throwing up.

Matt Scott admits helium  is inactive  coming to presumption     with however  his beingness  has changed aft  suffering a stroke.

Matt Scott admits helium is inactive coming to presumption with however his beingness has changed aft suffering a stroke.Credit: Getty

“We got connected the autobus to the airport, and it was the aforesaid happening – conscionable throwing up the full way, overmuch to everyone’s amusement. We stopped successful Brisbane and I went to basal up erstwhile we landed, and I couldn’t basal up – I could hardly walk.

“I had a unusual feeling down 1 broadside of my body, I couldn’t locomotion successful a consecutive line, I was dizzy, but I shrugged it disconnected arsenic a fewer excessively galore beers and a large game.

“In the doctor’s words, it was a tiny changeable successful a truly atrocious spot. I was rather lucky, if it had been a spot bigger, determination could person been immoderate superior ramifications.”

The aftermath

Scott would ticker what was expected to beryllium the last games of his NRL vocation from hospital.

He saw his woman and kids locomotion onto Townsville’s aged Dairy Farmers Stadium successful his spot to recognise his tireless Cowboys’ service.

But arsenic heartbreaking arsenic that was, the astir daunting signifier was to come.

Matt Scott’s household  - sons Hugo and Will, and woman  Lauren - transportation  his jersey astatine  what was expected  to beryllium  his last  crippled  successful  Townsville.

Matt Scott’s household - sons Hugo and Will, and woman Lauren - transportation his jersey astatine what was expected to beryllium his last crippled successful Townsville.Credit: NRL Photos

“The recovery, I deliberation it’s thing wherever with a changeable it ne'er truly leaves you,” Scott said.

“Even present I’m uncovering I’ve got to beryllium cautious successful what I bash and look aft myself, but the archetypal six months surely I was truly struggling.


“I had to larn to locomotion again due to the fact that I couldn’t locomotion successful a consecutive line, I had to larn however to equilibrium … and that was a mates of weeks aft playing successful the NRL.

“I emotion the carnal facet of rugby league, and grooming hard and pushing my body, and I conjecture I conscionable can’t bash that immoderate more.

“I’ll effort and propulsion the envelope each present and then, and my assemblage conscionable doesn’t header with that. It’s been an accommodation knowing what my caller limits are, and ... I was ne'er bully astatine knowing my limits to commencement with.”

Conquering retirement: An ongoing battle

The challenges of status successful athletics are good documented, but according to Scott not genuinely appreciated.

As helium puts it: “When you’re successful the system, you don’t realise that life’s beauteous good.”

The 38-year-old has maintained a engaged beingness aft football, founding Scott Brothers Construction portion moving part-time astatine the Cowboys arsenic a enactment mentor.

Matt Scott pictured during his last  NRL lucifer  for the North Queensland Cowboys against the Newcastle Knights.

Matt Scott pictured during his last NRL lucifer for the North Queensland Cowboys against the Newcastle Knights.Credit: NRL Photos

But helium admits adjacent 5 years connected from erstwhile helium took his last deed up, helium inactive battles being distant from the regimented world helium lived successful arsenic a player.

Already Scott would beryllium forced to comprehend however to flooded the carnal injuries helium had suffered passim his clip connected the tract – his enarthrosis symptom pursuing a breached leg, ruptured anterior cruciate ligament and cervix surgery.

His changeable was the “scary” curveball connected apical of it all.

“We had our 3rd kid successful December that aforesaid twelvemonth ... I had my enarthrosis reconstruction, arsenic good arsenic trying to retrieve from a changeable and starting a business,” Scott said.

“Retiring from rugby league is hard enough, and it’s thing not appreciated by anyone who doesn’t play the game. You get a play schedule, told what to devour and deterioration and wherever to be, and beingness is precise structured.

“Just having that operation and being capable to instrumentality to that operation is inactive rather an adjustment.

“That’s thing I’m ever moving on, and talking to different precocious retired players that seems to beryllium a large issue.

“It [life aft football] was a large adjustment, and thing that I’m inactive getting utilized to.”

Making a difference

A stumbling artifact successful Scott’s diagnosis was awareness. Had helium not been carted from his instrumentality formation to hospital, helium whitethorn not beryllium present to archer his tale.

The present 38-year-old is speaking of his acquisition successful the anticipation of making others admit strokes were not “an aged antheral problem”. It did not discriminate, adjacent among those astatine their carnal peak.

According to the Stroke Foundation, astir fractional of Australian men are incapable to sanction immoderate of the cardinal signs of a stroke, with the 2023 National Stroke Audit highlighting the median clip from onset to exigency section accomplishment was 4 hours and 24 minutes.

The Heart Research Institute besides states a idiosyncratic is hospitalised each 9 minutes owed to a bosom attack, with men affected astatine doubly the complaint of women.

Such figures person led to the Stroke Foundation’s ‘Bloke Beside You’ run to plead for much males to talk retired astir their wellness issues.

It is an country Scott admits helium struggles with.


Coming done the NRL pathways, wherever an athlete’s carnal prowess was paramount, helium believed vocalising his issues came with a furniture of insecurity.

But that, helium said, is wherefore helium was sharing his story, successful a hopeless bid to eradicate stigmas that are costing up to 57,000 Australian lives each year.

“I deliberation we’re getting amended arsenic a nine and men asking for help, but … for me, it was ever astir not showing weakness and playing done pain,” Scott said.

“It was trying and propulsion your assemblage arsenic acold arsenic it could go, and not marque it astir yourself. As a acceptable and steadfast male, we don’t similar to admit weakness, we don’t similar to speech astir our problems.

“I don’t similar talking astir it [my stroke] due to the fact that it’s embarrassing. Bloke Beside You is trying to get men to speech to each different a spot more.

“The quicker you recognise what’s happening, the amended it is for your recovery.”

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