Flying objects and shrunken heads: World UFO Day feted amid surge in sightings, government denials

2 days ago 3

NORFOLK, Va. -- For those of you who don't observe World UFO Day, see this:

A erstwhile U.S. Air Force quality serviceman told Congress past summertime astir a authorities programme that retrieves and reverse engineers unidentified flying objects.

The Mexican Congress held an unprecedented session successful September during which expected mummies were presented arsenic “nonhuman beings that are not portion of our terrestrial evolution.”

And NASA present has a manager of research for unidentified flying objects, oregon what it calls “unidentified anomalous phenomena.”

Never caput that the Pentagon denied the erstwhile quality officer's claims; that Mexican researchers said the mummies “made nary sense;” and that a NASA survey recovered nary grounds of extraterrestrials.

There's inactive ne'er been a amended clip to people World UFO Day.

A look astatine the past of World UFO Day:

World UFO Day has its roots successful the alleged Roswell Incident connected July 2, 1947. On that date, thing crashed astatine what was past the J.B. Foster ranch successful New Mexico. There were reports that the U.S. subject had recovered a “flying disc.” But officials aboriginal said the debris was simply the remnants of a high-altitude upwind balloon.

The Air Force investigated the incidental successful 1994 amid charges that it was covering up the truth. It concluded that the expected alien spacecraft was apt a concealed Army Air Force balloon designed to show Soviet atomic testing.

The worldly found adjacent Roswell consisted of foil-wrapped fabric, woody sticks, rubber pieces, and tiny I-beams with unusual markings connected them. A section paper header described the find dramatically and unequivocally: Air Force Captures Flying Saucer On Ranch.

“The Air Force probe did not find oregon make immoderate accusation that the ‘Roswell Incident’ was a UFO event,” wrote Col. Richard Weaver, writer of the report.

The Air Force released different study addressing UFO claims successful 1997, stating that alleged alien bodies recovered adjacent Roswell were conscionable dummies utilized successful parachute tests.

Some UFO researchers pushed backmost against that explanation, noting that specified dummies weren't utilized until 10 years aft the Roswell Incident. And they said it would beryllium a agelong for radical who claimed to spot alien bodies to premix up their dates truthful badly.

The life-size dummies were utilized successful high-altitude parachute drops from 1954 to 1959. The bulk landed extracurricular the confines of subject bases successful eastbound New Mexico, adjacent Roswell, according to the Air Force report.

The dummies had a skeleton of aluminum oregon steel, tegument of latex oregon plastic, a formed aluminum skull, and an instrumentality cavity successful the torso and head.

The Air Force said the beingness of specified dummies was not wide known extracurricular of technological circles and "easily could person been mistaken for thing they were not.’’

In 2022, Congress held its first proceeding connected UFOs successful fractional a century arsenic the Pentagon investigated hundreds of unexplained sightings successful the sky.

The spotted objects appeared to beryllium craft flying without immoderate discernible means of propulsion. They person been reported adjacent subject bases and coastlines, raising the imaginable that what witnesses really spotted was concealed Chinese oregon Russian technology.

A 2021 authorities report reviewed 144 sightings of craft oregon different devices that were seemingly flying astatine mysterious speeds oregon trajectories. It recovered nary extraterrestrial links but drew fewer different conclusions and called for amended information collection.

Lawmakers from some parties person said the UFOs are a nationalist information concern. But the sightings are usually fleeting. Some look for nary much than an instant connected camera — and past sometimes extremity up distorted by the camera lens.

Ronald Moultrie, the undersecretary of defence for intelligence, said during a 2022 proceeding that the Pentagon was trying to destigmatize the contented and promote pilots and different subject unit to study thing antithetic they see.

Then things got a small unusual past year.

During a legislature proceeding successful precocious July, retired Air Force Maj. David Grusch testified that the U.S. is concealing a longstanding program that retrieves and reverse engineers unidentified flying objects.

Asked whether the U.S. authorities had accusation astir extraterrestrial life, Grusch said the U.S. apt has been alert of “nonhuman” enactment since the 1930s.

The Pentagon denied Grusch’s claims of a cover-up and denied the beingness of immoderate specified program.

Unlike the hearings successful the U.S., the grounds earlier lawmakers successful the Mexican Congress included alleged grounds of aliens.

During an unprecedented league successful September, Mexican writer José Jaime Maussan presented 2 boxes containing shriveled bodies with shrunken, warped heads — expected mummies recovered successful Peru.

“It’s the queen of each evidence,” Maussan claimed. “That is, if the DNA is showing america that they are nonhuman beings and that determination is thing that looks similar this successful the world, we should instrumentality it arsenic such.”

The seemingly desiccated bodies day backmost to 2017 and were recovered heavy underground successful the sandy Peruvian coastal godforsaken of Nazca. Most property the celebrated Nazca Lines to past Indigenous communities.

Julieta Fierro, researcher astatine the Institute of Astronomy astatine the National Autonomous University of Mexico, was among those to explicit skepticism, saying that galore details astir the figures “made nary sense.”

She noted that scientists would request much precocious exertion than the X-rays they claimed to usage to find if the allegedly calcified bodies were “nonhuman”.

At different proceeding successful November, Maussan made the lawsuit again, citing a “nonhuman” that did not person lungs oregon ribs.

The Pentagon released a survey successful March that had examined the galore UFO sightings implicit astir the past period and recovered nary grounds of aliens oregon extraterrestrial intelligence.

The study analyzed U.S. authorities investigations since 1945. It besides recovered nary grounds that the U.S. oregon backstage companies had reverse-engineered extraterrestrial technology.

The Pentagon's study arrived astir six months aft NASA released a study connected UFOs, which besides recovered nary grounds of extraterrestrials.

But NASA Administrator Bill Nelson did admit that different Earth-like satellite could beryllium wrong the billions of galaxies successful the universe.

“If you inquire me, bash I judge there’s beingness successful a beingness that is truthful immense that it’s hard for maine to comprehend however large it is? My idiosyncratic reply is yes,” Nelson said astatine a quality conference.

When pressed by reporters connected whether the U.S. oregon different governments are hiding aliens oregon otherworldly spaceships, Nelson said: “Show maine the evidence.”

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