French Far Right Scores Big in a First Round of Voting, Polling Suggests

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A astonishment determination by the President Emmanuel Macron to clasp a drawback predetermination appears to person backfired badly, giving the National Rally a decisive victory, aboriginal returns showed.

The French president   and his woman  astatine  a polling presumption    adjacent  to the colors of the French flag.
President Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte Macron, leaving the voting booths successful Le Touquet, successful northern, France connected Sunday.Credit...Pool photograph by Yara Nardi

Roger Cohen

June 30, 2024, 2:25 p.m. ET

The National Rally enactment won a crushing triumph successful the archetypal circular of voting for the French National Assembly, according to aboriginal projections, bringing its long-taboo marque of nationalist and anti-immigrant authorities to the threshold of powerfulness for the archetypal time.

Pollster projections, which are usually reliable and are based connected preliminary results, suggested the enactment would instrumentality astir 34 percent of the vote, acold up of President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist Renaissance enactment and its allies, which got astir 21 percent.

The scores, successful a two-round predetermination that volition beryllium completed with a runoff connected July 7 betwixt the starring parties successful each constituency, bash not supply a reliable projection of the fig of parliamentary seats each enactment volition secure. But the National Rally present looks precise apt to beryllium the largest unit successful the little house, though not needfully with an implicit majority.

A conjugation of left-wing parties, called the New National Front and ranging from the mean socialists to the far-left France Unbowed, won astir 29 percent of the vote, according to the projections. Turnout was precise high, reflecting the value accorded by voters to the drawback election, astatine implicit 65 percent, compared to 47.51 percent successful the archetypal circular of the past parliamentary predetermination successful 2022.

For Mr. Macron, present successful his seventh twelvemonth arsenic president, the effect represented a terrible setback aft helium gambled that his party’s stinging decision to the National Rally successful the caller European Parliament predetermination would not beryllium repeated.

In a connection released instantly aft the projections were released, Mr. Macron said that “confronted by the National Rally, it is clip for a large, intelligibly antiauthoritarian and enactment confederation for the 2nd round.”

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