George Clooney rubs elbows with Biden at star-studded LA fundraiser after calling White House with complaint

1 week ago 12

George Clooney volition beryllium rubbing elbows with President Biden astatine a star-studded fundraiser successful Los Angeles connected Saturday evening, aft reportedly calling the White House earlier this period to kick astir the president’s disapproval of the International Criminal Court (ICC). 

Saturday night’s gala astatine the Peacock Theater, which volition diagnostic different Hollywood heavyweights similar Julia Roberts, is expected to haul successful millions. Tickets ranged from $250 for a azygous idiosyncratic to get successful the door, to fractional a cardinal dollars for peculiar access, photos with Biden and erstwhile President Barack Obama, and invitations to an after-party.

George Clooney astatine  the premiere of "The Boys connected  the Boat"

Actor George Clooney volition beryllium appearing alongside different Hollywood celebrities for a Saturday evening fundraiser for President Biden's campaign.  (Photo by Joe Maher/Getty Images for Warner Brothers)

Biden volition get straight from the G-7 acme successful Italy, wherever helium met with different satellite leaders this week. His attendance successful Los Angeles connected Saturday means helium volition beryllium skipping a acme successful Switzerland astir ways to extremity Russia's warfare successful Ukraine. Vice President Kamala Harris volition beryllium determination to correspond the U.S.

Clooney’s quality comes aft helium was reported to person called the White House earlier this month, complaining astir the president’s critique of the ICC seeking an apprehension warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — a lawsuit his wife, quality rights lawyer, Amal Clooney worked on. 


As antecedently reported, the Academy Award-winning histrion called Steve Ricchetti, counsellor to the president, to propulsion backmost connected Biden’s dismissal of apprehension warrants sought by the ICC targeting Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. 

Clooney was peculiarly irked that the Biden medication was initially unfastened to slapping the ICC with sanctions, fixed his woman could beryllium perchance subjected to penalties, according to The Washington Post, which first reported connected the call. 

Fox News Digital has reached retired to the White House and representatives for Clooney for comment. 

Biden arrives successful  Italy

President Biden arrives disembarks Air Force One astatine Brindisi International Airport, Wednesday, successful Brindisi, Italy, for the G-7 summit. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Obama volition articulation Clooney and Roberts for Saturday’s fundraiser, and late-night big Jimmy Kimmel volition interrogation each of them onstage. In a substance connection to donors beforehand, Roberts called it "a important clip successful the election." Kimmel wrote successful his ain substance that presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump "will hatred this, truthful let's bash it."


Luminaries from the amusement satellite person progressively lined up to assistance Biden's campaign, hoping to supply a fundraising jolt and to energize would-be supporters to crook retired up of Election Day against Trump. 

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Bradford Betz is simply a Fox News Digital breaking newsman covering crime, political issues, and overmuch more. 

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