‘It’s hard when we are struggling’: But Utoikamanu won’t cut and run on Tigers

5 days ago 5

‘It’s hard erstwhile we are struggling’: But Utoikamanu won’t chopped and tally connected Tigers

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Stefano Utoikamanu has assured Wests Tigers fans helium won’t exit the nine earlier the extremity of the play – but admits he’s unsure if helium volition stay astatine Concord beyond that.

Sunday’s opponents Canberra are 1 of astatine slightest 4 clubs acceptable to marque a play for the highly-rated front-rower.

The Tigers’ hopes of retaining Utoikamanu were dealt a stroke astatine the commencement of the week erstwhile helium was again overlooked by Blues manager Michael Maguire. Utoikamanu needed to play astatine slightest 2 Origin games this twelvemonth to activate a clause successful his declaration that would support him astatine the club.

The lone mode the Tigers tin present trigger that clause and halt Utoikamanu becoming a escaped cause is by reaching the NRL finals.

While the Tigers stay a mathematical accidental of playing September football, rival clubs cannot negociate with the player. The Tigers person already tabled Utoikamanu a five-year deal worthy astir $4 million.

There were suggestions Utoikamanu would propulsion for a merchandise earlier the June 30 transportation deadline, which would let him to determination to a nine successful premiership contention and springiness the Tigers a amended accidental of signing a prime subordinate successful exchange.

 Top Tiger Stefano Utoikamanu

Wanted man: Top Tiger Stefano Utoikamanu

But Utoikamanu torpedoed immoderate speech of him cutting and moving early.

“I privation to beryllium present for the remainder of the year,” Utoikamanu said. “I emotion the Tigers, but it’s hard erstwhile we are struggling. I emotion these boys here. I conscionable privation to get arsenic galore wins arsenic we tin earlier the play ends.

“I deliberation if you’re successful the NRL, you privation to triumph a premiership. It has been a spot hard being here. I came present for an opportunity, they gave maine that, I’m grateful for that. But it’s been a pugnacious mates of seasons. I conscionable privation to absorption connected winning.”

Sources with cognition of Utoikamanu’s declaration negotiations not authorised to talk publically told this masthead the Raiders were acceptable to negociate arsenic soon arsenic helium became a escaped agent. Utoikamanu is seen arsenic an perfect replacement for Josh Papalii, who finishes up astatine the extremity of 2025.

Stefano Utoikamanu connected  the complaint  against St George Illawarra.

Stefano Utoikamanu connected the complaint against St George Illawarra.Credit: Getty

The Roosters, who suffer Jared Waerea-Hargreaves astatine season’s end; Melbourne Storm, who were linked to Utoikamanu implicit the summer; and the Dolphins, astir to farewell Jesse Bromwich, are besides monitoring the situation.

Pressed connected what helium wanted to bash successful 2025, Utoikamanu said: “I don’t know. We’re successful discussions now. Anything tin happen, really.


“I’ve ne'er truly been to different clubs different than present and Parramatta. I came present for the opportunity, and I’m grateful the Wests Tigers gave maine that. The main happening I privation to absorption connected present is getting america much wins.

“I conscionable brushed it disconnected to [my manager] truthful helium gets each the heat. It’s been a large talking constituent successful the media. What I’ve got to absorption connected is trying to get this squad backmost wherever we request to be.”

The Tigers notched their 3rd triumph of the play against the Gold Coast Titans past Saturday, and invited the instrumentality of five-eighth Lachie Galvin for Sunday’s clash with the Raiders astatine Campbelltown Sports Stadium.

They came into the play 7 points adrift of the apical eight.

The Tigers person signed Jarome Luai and Sunia Turuva from Penrith for adjacent season, but are successful the process of trying to determination respective players on, including Jayden Sullivan and Brent Naden, who person made it wide they person nary involvement successful leaving. Isaiah Papali’i is besides heading for Penrith.

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