Human waste and old clothes in North Korea trash balloons

3 days ago 7

28 minutes ago

By Tom McArthur, BBC News

Yonhap A immense  balloon carrying a container  of rubbish from North Korea comes to remainder  successful  a tract  successful  South KoreaYonhap

Parasites from quality discarded and defaced Hello Kitty covering were recovered successful bags of rubbish carried by North Korean balloons into South Korea, officials say.

Hundreds of waste-carrying balloons person been released by Pyongyang crossed the borderline successful the past fewer weeks, successful retaliation for a leaflet run sent northwards by opponents of North Korean person Kim Kong Un.

Analysis of immoderate of the balloon packages recovered they contained ungraded successful which “roundworms, whipworms and threadworms" were detected. The accidental of corruption from the packages is low, South Korea’s ministry of unification said.

North Korea says the balloons are retaliation for a propaganda run that criticises the regime.

Yonhap A South Korean worker  successful  protective instrumentality  scans rubbish dumped by a North Korean balloon.Yonhap

South Korea's subject condemned the balloon drops arsenic a "clear usurpation of planetary law"

Items carried by the balloons besides included slashed “western” apparel that had been donated from the South. The apparel featured Mickey Mouse, Winnie the Pooh, and Hello Kitty characters, according to Reuters, arsenic good arsenic socks, apparel and heavy patched-up children’s clothes.

The discarded sent by North Korea besides revealed the country's woeful economical state, and highlighted “the adversarial stance against South Korea", a ministry authoritative said.

The ungraded was astir apt infected with the parasites due to the fact that quality faeces was utilized alternatively of chemic fertilisers successful the North, the ministry added.

North Korea says the balloons are retaliation for a propaganda run by North Korean defectors and South Korean activists who regularly nonstop balloons the different way, carrying food, medicine, currency and leaflets criticising the North’s regime.

The 2 Koreas person precocious stepped up their cross-border ‘tit-for-tat’ propaganda war. As the northbound sent trash floating southward, the South has besides been blasting popular songs and quality items implicit the borderline from almighty loudspeakers.

Yonhap Military unit   cod  the debris of balloons sent by North Korea successful  Incheon, westbound  of Seoul, South Korea, 02 June 2024.Yonhap

An earlier question of balloons dumped rubbish crossed South Korea

An activistic successful the South told the AFP quality bureau helium had this week floated much balloons carrying propaganda leaflets towards the North.

South Korea's subject precocious cautioned the nationalist against touching the achromatic balloons and the integrative bags attached to them due to the fact that they incorporate "filthy discarded and trash".

The caller raft of balloons began successful May, when astatine slightest 260 balloons carrying rubbish dropped successful the South, prompting authorities to pass its residents to enactment indoors.

In summation to anti-Pyongyang propaganda, activists successful South Korea person antecedently launched balloons carrying among different things, cash, banned media content, and adjacent Choco Pies - a South Korean snack banned successful the North.

In May, a South Korea-based activistic radical claimed it had sent 20 balloons carrying anti-Pyongyang leaflets and USB sticks containing Korean popular euphony and euphony videos crossed the border.

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