Ugandan designer vows to regrow dreadlocks cut in jail

2 days ago 4

36 minutes ago

By Wedaeli Chibelushi & Charles Gitonga, BBC News

Latif Madoi Latif MadoiLatif Madoi

Latif Madoi says this is the archetypal clip his girl has seen him without dreadlocks

A salient Ugandan manner decorator whose dreadlocks were chopped disconnected aft helium was arrested has told the BBC helium plans to turn them backmost "for arsenic agelong arsenic [he] lives".

Latif Madoi, who has made apparel for celebrities similar precocious South African reggae icon Lucky Dube and Jamaica's Busy Signal, spent conscionable implicit six weeks successful detention.

He has not been convicted of immoderate transgression but the situation authorities nevertheless insisted connected cutting the dreadlocks helium had been increasing for 17 years.

On Monday helium was released connected bail for 1 cardinal Ugandan shillings (£213; $269).

After settling successful backmost home, Mr Madoi told the BBC that losing his beloved locs "was his breaking-point".

The 47-year-old was known for performing "fashion concerts" wherever helium would marque 10 to 15 dresses successful conscionable 2 hours.

But now, without the dreadlocks that were a cardinal portion of his Rastafarian identity, helium feels "shy... similar I can't sojourn places. Maybe I'll adjacent consciousness shy coming backmost connected stage".

Police said they raided his manner schoolhouse and arrested him for possessing "uniforms declared to beryllium for the exclusive use" of the subject and police, which is amerciable nether Ugandan law.

But Mr Madoi, his lawyer and numerous Ugandan supporters online are convinced helium was locked up for his affiliation with Bobi Wine, the absorption person and vocalist whose existent sanction is Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu.

Latif Madoi Latif MadoiLatif Madoi

Mr Madoi had been increasing his dreadlocks for 17 years

The brace met erstwhile Bobi Wine asked Mr Madoi to marque him immoderate apparel for his concerts and euphony videos. Their narration continued erstwhile Bobi Wine entered authorities - the absorption leader's signature campaigning outfit, a brace of agleam reddish overalls, were designed by Mr Madoi.

Mr Madoi accepts that helium was successful possession of subject cogwheel erstwhile constabulary raided his schoolhouse connected 13 May - but that that azygous was from the US army.

He tells the BBC helium was making alterations for his person who is simply a serving marine successful the United States.

Despite having this uniform, Mr Madoi says helium is definite the constabulary arrested him due to the fact that helium made Bobi Wine's reddish overall.

"There's nary different reason. Everyone who is affiliated with Bobi Wine volition ever beryllium arrested," helium says.

"We cognize we are not escaped immoderate more. I cannot sojourn him astatine his location immoderate clip I want, similar I utilized to. You ever fearfulness that possibly you volition get arrested."

The BBC has approached the Ugandan authorities for comment.

The country's information forces person a agelong past of pursuing President Yoweri Museveni's governmental opponents.

Bobi Wine, presently the president's biggest rival, has been arrested galore times and faced respective charges, including treason, each of which helium denies.

The authorities contradict the arrests person been governmental and accidental they person been indispensable to support instrumentality and bid during absorption protests.

Bobi Wine/Twitter Bobi Wine wearing reddish  overalls astatine  a march with NUP supporters down  himBobi Wine/Twitter

Bobi Wine's reddish beret and overalls person go portion of his signature style

On Monday, Bobi Wine announced Mr Madoi's merchandise to his 2 cardinal followers connected societal media level X.

"Welcome backmost from captivity my member Latif Madoi," the connection read.

"It's a shame what loss, indignity and humiliation the authorities has subjected you to since it detained you 6 weeks agone for having offered america your nonrecreational services."

Mr Madoi is owed backmost successful tribunal connected 29 July. Between present and then, helium volition beryllium trying to regenerate his school's sewing machines, which were seized successful the raid.

"The concern is not the same... students person nary machines wherever they tin larn from, wherever we tin marque demonstrations from," helium says.

Mr Madoi is besides moving connected feeling assured without his dreadlocks and has already managed to place an upside.

"I person a daughter... she has ne'er seen maine without [dreadlocks]. Maybe she was ever thinking: 'My dada was calved similar that'," helium laughs.

"That's comforted maine - present she has the accidental to spot maine without hair, looking similar immoderate different person."

In 2017 the BBC filmed Madoi making a azygous formal successful 4 minutes

More BBC stories connected Uganda:

Getty Images/BBC A pistillate   looking astatine  her mobile telephone  and the graphic BBC News AfricaGetty Images/BBC

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