‘I don’t try to take wickets': Hardik Pandya reveals the secret to his all-round performance in T20 World Cup 2024

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1 min read 24 Jun 2024, 10:55 AM IST checkcibilBtn


Hardik Pandya interacted with ICC successful a video discussing his bowling show for the squad and its interaction connected his assurance and publication to the team.

India's Hardik Pandya celebrates his fractional  period  connected  the past  shot  of India's crook   during the ICC men's Twenty20 World Cup 2024 Super Eight cricket lucifer  betwixt  India and Bangladesh astatine  Sir Vivian Richards Stadium successful  North Sound, Antigua and Barbuda, connected  June 22, 2024. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (AFP)Premium India's Hardik Pandya celebrates his fractional period connected the past shot of India's crook during the ICC men's Twenty20 World Cup 2024 Super Eight cricket lucifer betwixt India and Bangladesh astatine Sir Vivian Richards Stadium successful North Sound, Antigua and Barbuda, connected June 22, 2024. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (AFP)

India person performed remarkably good successful this T20 World Cup, defeating each the teams they person faced  so acold and are present connected the cusp of securing a semi-final berth. One large affirmative for the squad successful the tourney  so acold has been the show of all-rounder Hardik Pandya, who has not ony won matches for the squad with the bat but besides immensely contributed with the ball. 

Notably, Hardik Pandya wasn't successful the champion of signifier anterior to the World Cup. In fact, Pandya failed miserably arsenic a skipper and arsenic a subordinate during the IPL 2024 play which concluded conscionable anterior to the World Cup. However, Hardik Pandya successful T20 World Cup 2024 is simply a antithetic communicative altogether.

In the 5 matches played truthful far, Hardik has taken 8 wickets astatine an system complaint of 6.47, with champion figures of 3/27 against Ireland successful the opening encounter. As for his batting, Pandya has scored 89 runs successful the 5 matches astatine a onslaught complaint of 141 and an mean of 44.50. 

The all-rounder discussed astir his show successful this year's World Cup during an enactment with erstwhile India caput manager Ravi Shastri. In a video posted connected ICC's authoritative Instagram handle, Pandya revealed that helium doesn't truly effort to instrumentality wickets and alternatively focuses connected bowling bully deliveries. 

Pandya said, “Jasprit and I went connected talking astir the information I don't truly effort to instrumentality wickets. I conscionable effort to vessel bully balls and spot what is required for the team. There's thing called your ain show successful this sport. It's each astir what's required, bowling the close shot and close situation. In that process, if I get a wicket, it's good.

Pandya besides talked astir the hard enactment helium does successful bid to support performing successful each areas. He said, “There's a batch of hard enactment that I request to bash to occurrence connected each cylinders. It gives maine other accidental to lend to the squad and lifts my confidence. If I'm bowling well, it transfers to my batting and vice-versa,"

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Published: 24 Jun 2024, 10:55 AM IST

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