‘Stop being silly’: Harbhajan Singh slams Michael Vaughan for ICC favouring India comment

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2 min read 28 Jun 2024, 08:49 AM IST checkcibilBtn


Harbhajan Singh has criticized Michael Vaughan for suggesting ICC favoured India by alloting the semi-final clash successful Guyana irrespective of the Super 8 clash.

 Former cricketer Harbhajan Singh speaks to the media, successful  New Delhi connected  Tuesday. (ANI Photo) (ANI)Premium New Delhi, May 20 (ANI): Former cricketer Harbhajan Singh speaks to the media, successful New Delhi connected Tuesday. (ANI Photo) (ANI)

Former England skipper Michael Vaughan stirred a caller contention connected Thursday erstwhile helium alleged that ICC's determination to clasp the India semi-final clash successful Guyana, irrespective of the Super 8 results, was ‘unfair’ to different teams. The contention took different crook with erstwhile Indian spinner Harbhajan Singh responding to Vaughan's assertion successful a station connected X and urging him to ‘stop being silly and determination on’. 

In a station connected X, Vaughan had wrote aft the Afghanistan vs South Africa semi-final clash, “Surely this Semi should person been the Guyana 1 .. but due to the fact that the full lawsuit is geared towards India it’s truthful unfair connected others ." 

Even during the lucifer betwixt India vs England successful the semi-final, Vaughan continued with his assertion and stated that Jos Buttler's broadside won the semi-final clash if the lucifer was played astatine the Brian Lara Stadium successful Tarouba. 

He wrote, “If England had beaten SA they would person got the Trinidad semi and I judge they would person won that crippled .. So nary complaints they haven’t been bully capable .. But Guyana has been a beauteous venue prime for India" 

Earlier successful an enactment with Club Prairie Fire podcast, Vaughan said that T20 World Cup 2024 was India's tournament. He wrote, “Literally, it’s their tournament. They get to play whenever they want. They get to cognize precisely wherever their semifinal volition be. They play each azygous crippled successful the greeting truthful radical tin ticker them astatine nighttime successful India connected TV. I get that. I get that wealth is simply a large play successful the satellite of cricket. And I get that successful bilateral bid but you would deliberation that erstwhile you get to a World Cup, the ICC should beryllium a small spot fairer to each body. It shouldn’t beryllium conscionable India conscionable due to the fact that they bring a fewer quid in"

Harbhajan Singh rips into Michael Vaughan: 

Replying to Vaughan's station connected X, Harbhajan wrote, "What makes you deliberation Guyana was a bully venue for India ? Both Teams played connected the aforesaid venue. England won the flip that was an advantage. Stop being silly. England was outplayed by India successful each departments. Accept the information and determination connected and support your rubbish with yourself. Talk logic not nonsense,"

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Published: 28 Jun 2024, 08:48 AM IST

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