JoSAA counselling 2024 round 2 joint seat allocation result today at at 5 pm

3 days ago 4

JoSAA Counselling 2024: The Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) is acceptable to denote the results of the 2nd circular of counselling connected Thursday.

Candidates participating successful the process tin presumption their spot allotment presumption connected the authoritative website,, starting astatine 5 p.m.

To entree the spot allotment, candidates request to supply their registration number, day of birth, and information pin.

Upon the merchandise of the results, online reporting volition commence, and candidates indispensable respond to immoderate queries by July 2, 2024. It is indispensable for candidates to wage the acceptance interest to corroborate their spot allocation.

Here's however candidates tin download the spot allotment result:

1. Visit the authoritative website

2. Navigate to the JoSAA Seat Allocation Round 2 Link connected the homepage.

3. Enter your registration number, day of commencement (password), and the information pin.

4. The spot allocation database for Round 2 volition beryllium displayed connected the screen.

5. Download and clasp a transcript of the effect for aboriginal reference.

According to the JoSAA schedule, the 3rd and 4th spot allotment lists are scheduled to beryllium released connected July 4 and July 10 respectively. The 5th spot allotment database volition travel connected July 17, 2024.

Candidates are advised to regularly cheque the authoritative website for further updates and elaborate accusation regarding the counselling process. For much elaborate instructions and updates, delight sojourn

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